Does this sound like a healthy fitness/diet lifestyle?


New member
Nov 13, 2011
Hi, so i am wondering if this is good enough to live a healthy lifestyle? I have contracted out of gym at school because i absolutely hate it and i am doing a kickboxing class tuesdays and thursdays for an hour every week! i also run on my treadmill a mile each day and also do 60 crunches on my ab machine i have. And as for my diet, I'm a pescetarian (i eat fish but no other meat) and i try to get my protein from that as much as i can! i also eat at least 3 servings of vegetables/fruit a day. I'm 16, and i know what people are going to say, "teenagers are too obsessed about their weight" blahblahblah, yeah im not obsessed, i just like to make healthy choices. Last year i had gained a lot of weight (20 pounds) due to school stresses and friend stresses and i have lost about 10 of that. Im 5'0 ft in height also so it showed a lot on me because i don't have that height where the weight can proportion out too. I am also muscular but im trying to tone everything so they are not as Jiggly lol. i currently weight about 126 but i want to get down to about 115-112. So does my lifestyle sound healthy?
haha girl trust me your lifestyle is beyond healthy. I know what you mean about not obsessing, you just want to be healthy! there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially in these times where some people don't even get up off their couches to exercise a little. All I have to warn you about is make sure that you're maintaining a healthy BMI (body mass index). There are calculators online that will let you know what yours is/should be, so try that out and just avoid going below the weight that is said to be most healthy for you. :)
Sounds good to me. Just don't be to worried about your weight. I wish I had your will power.
It looks like a good workout and eating routine, but as someone who has gone from being obese to being fit, I would like to give you some ideas and opinions!

-Kickboxing Tuesdays and Thursdays is great - keep that up! That's a great way to get endurance training as well as working your muscles and core fitness.

-Running a mile a day on the treadmill is great, but it will gradually lose its efficacy over time. Your body will get used to the motions and stop benefiting both in terms of calorie burning and muscle building. I would incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (Google it) at least 2-3 times a week rather than a simple 1 mile run. You can do that and/or you can start working toward increasing your cardiovascular fitness. Stuck at a mile will do nothing for you, but working toward increasing your distance and your speed will do wonders. Try to get it up by a mile every month, and try to do each mile a bit more quickly. You will burn more fat, your metabolism will reach new heights and you'll gain weight much more slowly and lose it faster, your cardiovascular system and endurance will improve, etc..

60 crunches a day is also good... but again, that's too static, and your body won't continue to benefit. You need to incorporate an endurance based weight-lifting and abs program. I say endurance based because you're a girl, and I don't think you want to get beefy! Do light weights that you can do 3 sets of 12-15 reps with each time, and don't focus on single body parts - do it all. Here's a GREAT 16-week workout program for you. I do this, but it's good for both men and women. An hour a day in the gym on top of your cardio will do wonders.

Also... make sure you REST! Seven days a week is NOT a good idea for working out! You need to take at least 1-2 days of rest each week, and let each muscle group rest at least a day between weight lifting work outs. Running consecutive days won't hurt you, but do be sure to get at least 1-2 days of rest from that as well. If you don't like being inactive, take a light walk instead of running on the weekends, but get at least one day a week where you do no strenuous exercise at all.

I'm not sure about Pescetarianism - it sounds like a fad to me, and considering the detrimental effect of fish-farms, you aren't helping the environment one bit. I would incorporate a more balanced array of proteins. Try to eat lean meats like chicken and turkey, and incorporate proteins from soy, and legumes. It's awesome that you're getting lots of fruits and vegetables, that's the number one thing most people lack (myself included, admittedly).

Lastly - ignore people who say you are too obsessed. Frankly, people are not obsessed ENOUGH with their bodies these days. Your health is, arguably, the most important thing about your life - it determines how long you live, and how much you enjoy everything else about your life. Stay obsessed (in a healthy way). Keep yourself healthy and fit. It's great for quality of life as well as clarity of mind. Healthy people even do better at their school and work :).

Good luck!
yea i think so. have a balanced breakfast eg oatmeal, branflackes, wetabix topped with fruit.
lunch tuna salad sandwich with fruit, yogurt
snack nuts, cheese, fruit or yogurt
dinner vegetarian sausages, baby potatoes, broccoli, carrots, peas.
or salmon veg baby potatoes.
prawn/ beans on jacket potato with salad.
dessert fruit yogurt, health bars or something better occasionally like chocolate. dont have fish more than 4 times a week or u get poisoned by mercury.
Wow! Your eating and exercising habits are excellent considering most people don't eat very well and don't exercise. Your lifestyle is indeed a healthy one, just make sure to get your protein!! :)
Also vitamin B12 is a great vitamin to take when one is as active as you are, It helps you produce energy and is great in regulating your metabolism. Hope this helps!
Well my husband is a sports performance trainer/personal trainer and he said yes this is good but you Gould try to tone down your running, you should run full speed for a minute and rest a minute then keep doing that as many times as you can, Becuase what your doing is just putting stress on your body, your not helping it. As you get older your gonna feel it in your knees and possibly ankles. Also your body needs needs needs! Protein! It's for your muscles. Since you don't eat meat you should drink a protein shake every day. Using protein powder or raw eggs which me and my husband do. But every thing else is fine! And good luck :)
It's fine. It's up to the individual. Healthy lifestyles can really vary on the person, you are more on the active side but so you know, people can do less exercise than you do and still be very healthy. And they can eat other kinds of meats, or no meats at all. The important thing is that you feel good inside and out. You can do all the exercise and healthy eating in the world, but if you feel bad inside you have to do some work. If what you are doing is making you happy, good, but just be aware there is no one *right* formula for healthy living so don't get caught up in formulas or comparing yourself to other people. You will find what works for you.
That sounds very energetic and sufficient. You seem to be doing well so keep it up.
Changing behaviour is one thing; keeping up the behaviour is the challenge!
Take a look at Theory of Planned Behaviour in order to keep consistency in your dieting regime.
I think your complety fine! I'm 511 and weigh close to 400 pounds and wish I started when I was I'm the lower numbers. If anything I'm the one who should be posting something like this!
yess sounds great im 16 and trying to be healthy i think planning exercises and diet is organised not obessed :)
I do kickboxing an hour four to five times a week with boxing once a week for an hour. I also do strength training two to three times a week. Fish may give you protein, but watch out for mercury poisoning. Fish contain small traces of mercury, but the more you eat the more you collect since you cannot digest it. I'd suggest eat more nuts, beans and especially cottage cheese (the best source I found that is filling). Make sure you rest at least once a week. I get exhausted by Saturday, so Sunday is my day of rest
Yes, but when it comes to weight loss its emotions that get people ALWAYS. For the "lifestyle" yes it is but make sur it isn't to stressful for you emotinally! Good luck!
That sounds great just remeber to not under or over eat. Also a tiny bit of chicken an other meats helps more than just fish which really isnt a meat. If this were facebook id like your status. Thumbs up keep going