Does this sound like a healthy fitness/diet lifestyle?

Wow, even your ending weight goal is healthy (some would try to go down to 90 lbs or something outrageous like that...those are the teens we worry about who are obsessed about their're fine).

Your diet is pretty healthy, but I hope you mean 3 servings of fruits and vegetable EACH, not total. I do hope you're eating 100% whole grain, not refined (although refined once in a while won't kill you).

Your exercises sound OK, but I worry about doing crunches without supporting your lower back. When you're working one muscle, you need to work the opposing muscle, in this case your lower back. You can do pilates swimming, bird-dogs, or bananas to work that.

Bananas: on your tummy, lift your arms and legs, reaching for the opposite sides of the room while lifting your limbs up. Hold it for as long as possible. Rest 30 seconds. Repeat so that you did a total of 3 sets.

Pilates swimming: same as a banana, but you're alternating opposite arm and leg so that you're raising up a little higher than the ones that you're not raising.

Bird dog: on all fours, lift one arm and the opposite leg, extend and reach out, lift so that you feel the stretch in your lower back, pulse for 10 repetitions, and then lower and repeat with opposite limbs.

It's completely optional, but if you wanted to include additional moves, such as lunges, squats, pushups, and pull ups, that would help you reach your goal faster. Strength training is pretty important, so it'd be nice if you included them. But my high school gym class never did any of that (except for the strength training unit, it was my favorite part, weight room!!!), so you don't have to do that. But if you are doing the abs exercises, please include 3 sets of any of the moves I listed above to help you maintain a healthy spine.
I am impressed and slightly jealous of your regime. You are doing a great job of eating and exercising. Keep in mind that at your age you still have maturing to do so healthy is so much better than ripped. You can eat nuts to help you get healthy proteins and fats too. They have tons of trace minerals that can help your body. Avoid soda pop( HUGE empty calories and bad for bones and stomach). Find fun activities to incorporate into your lifestyle. Rock climbing, folf, marathons, volunteering to babysit toddlers,venturing thru the boyscouts. There are a ton of ways to move. It is a lot easier to do an activity long term than a gym program.