Do you ever allow your kids to wear these kind of shirts? (don't click if...


New member
Aug 14, 2009
1 don't have a sense of humor)?

My daughter has a couple of them. They always cause controversy whenever she wears them in public.

Would/do you allow your kids to wear these kind of shirts?
Sure njmom, they're just basically plain t-shirts with some funny (to me, offensive to others) wording like:

"I enjoy a good spanking"
"I can kick your baby's ass"
"All mommy wanted was a backrub"
"To cute to play with your ugly ass kid"
(^^my daughter wears this one to the park all the time)
"I'm this many (has a picture of a baby hand flipping you off)

stuff like that..
Luv2cosp I respect your opinion of thinking the shirts are " inappropriate and stupid" but if humanity is going down the tube, it's because of overly judgmental people like you not because of what people wear.

and to coelacanth, you're a sick beeotch
Well, it depends how old they are.If I had kids I wouldn't though. But If they are about 10 or 12, I wouldn't let them. If there about 17 its fine with me!I personally wouldn't let them wear it because I don't want them to grow up with a bad education.
lol oh goodness
when my daughter was first born as a joke some friends of mine gave me t shirts for her with something similar to the things on that site.
I thought it was hilarious and i did let her wear the shirts because i thought it was funny, i guess people can't handle it
my daughter has a bicycle and my sister gave her a license plate that says Badass on the back of it.
I have a sense of humor, and am not 17, try 40 and yes I would let my kids wear many of these:

Recently evicted
Hung like a 5 year old
Pooping in progress
Daddy's lil squirt
My other carseat is a porsche
Daddy drinks because I cry
Playground pimp
Baby, not midget, do not toss
I enjoy a good spanking
They shake me

I am a liberal, a psych nurse, and think most of these uptight people are sticks in the mud, and take things way too seriously.

I have had my son wear a black shirt (as an infant) that says

333 only half evil
(because my in laws and I do not see eye to eye)

and I have been known to wear funny shirts like:

National sarcasm society
(like we need your support)

Flash me (picture of a flash drive)

geek chick

Tesla is my homeboy

Recycling its not just for jawas

bad spellers untie

and I don't live in a trailer park but find shirts with a pic of a trailer and trash written under it funny
Haha I think that all of those shirts are hilarious...except the Yankee's one that was unnecessary. I probably would let them wear some of those shirts but definitely not all of them.
It depends on what type of person you are.. I could care less what other people think if they see my child wear shirts like this.. I think there cute and funny.. but i wouldn't let my child wear them to school or to daycare.. but i like them and i would let mine..
I have a sense of humor. In fact, you would probably think I'm sick in the head. Wearing an offensive t-shirt is hilarious if you're doing it yourself. However, placing a child in a such a t-shirt is a reflection on you. That child has no choice what he/she wears, it is up to you to be a RESPONSIBLE parent and dress them accordingly. If I saw you and and your child at the mall and your kid was wearing a shirt that said "Bite Me," or whatever, I'd think you were a complete jackass. This is why humanity is going down the tubes, because of people like you who lack the maturity and responsibility to raise children correctly.
Grow up.
I find those shirts offensive...well all except the one about the car seat being in the porsche.

Why do children need to wear tshirts with offensive language and insults towards other children? Personally I would never put my child in that kind of tshirt. What someone else does is their business but I don't find it the least bit humorous.
I have a sense of humor but I dont find them funny at all. Does this mean your going to let your child cuss, drink, fight, call names....

Well you might as well cuz thats what your teaching your child and your a hypocrite if you dont let them.
no, they are quite imature and the only people i see puting most of them on are 17 year old moms who are sitting around doing drugs with their friends. most of them are offensive though some of them are cut " my daddy drinks because i cry" i don't find that funny at all.

some of them honestly digust me that a person would put something like taht on their child. it's almost like telling them to say that. why not a t-shirt that has a baby witha joint in their mouth huuh?

i also think the " hung like a 5 year old" is pretty damn sick. it's taking the child's innocence away
i do have a sense of humor, but i think that these shirts are inappropriate and stupid. who's child needs to go around being a walking advertisement of their parent's sluttyness? this is exactly what is wrong with the world these days. the kids grow up with messages like this, then they turn into the next generations of pimps and whores, then the teen pregnancy rate goes up, then the rate of underage drinking goes up, which results in more car crashes from the drunk drivers, which results in more suicides both from the teen parents and from the people who have lost their loved ones in car crashes caused my your mother******* drunk offspring. but go ahead, let your prostitute to be wear shirts like these, and see if her preschool playmates don't try to cop a feel. i'm sure the thought of your daughter getting molested just turns you on, doesn't it?
I'm at work and they blocked the site... can you describe them to me so that I can answer your question?

EDIT: I don't think I would allow my kids (boys) to wear them... but my husband might let them wear a few.... he has a few of those types of shirts himself.