Do you ever allow your kids to wear these kind of shirts? (don't click if...

They are funny and I enjoy a good laugh and think I have a great sense of humor, but I would not allow my child to wear a shirt like these. The dirty words are bother me, I wouldn't' want my child to use those words so I would let her wear them.

I do let her wear funny shirt that are appropriate for her age, like, "I'm the princess, we'll do things my way" or "If Mama says no, ask Grandma" stuff like that. Light humor, that wont offende anyone.

I do think these shirt are funny and might get them for a friend as a joke, but I would never put them on my child.
I wouldn't. I do, however allow my child to wear a shirt that says:

I'm homeschooled
Yes, I has class today
Yes, I have social skills

All the best.
There were a few that I would not put on my child but the rest were great.....

My brother's ex owns a store in Atlanta that makes similar shirts and he bought us a few like megadeth, dunkin dookie etc....
They're funny by themselves, but I think it's idiotic to put controversy on your child's back. Just my opinion...
I have a good sense of humor but I find these really chavy (if you are american then a 'chav' is the equivalent of a hillbilly)
naw, those just aren't that funny to me. not that I don't 'get it' because I 'get it' ... but wtf are those drinking ones about? daddy drinks because I cry? where's the whiskey tits?
God I love!! Okay, straight up, it's great for a laugh both the adult and child version. It's not really offensive if you think about some of them. For example, there's an adult shirt with Obama's face on it and under it it says "We cool now?" I laughed my butt off, especially after this ridiculous beer summit. But some people do find it offensive. Reality is offensive, get used to it, these shirts just point out the obvious.

But yes, some I would put on my kids, others I wouldn't, let's face it some of these shirts you don't even laugh you just stare at them with a gapping mouth LOL.
lol, I wouldn't let them wear it. lol,

They are wearing black shirt and it says on it "I can kik your baby arse" XD
i think the shirt are sooo funny and i think it is cute when i see other kids wearing them but no i would not let my daugther wear most of them
hell ya id let my kids wear the shirts cause she is to cute to play w most kids lol!!!! sum peaple just need to get a sence of humor i have a bib she wears that says i can kick your babys a** lol
I personally wouldn't. I think they're inappropriate. It's your child, but still. I understand why you get the controversy.