Why is Bit Torrent so slow? Can I speed it up?


New member
Jul 27, 2010
The file is 677 megabytes, yet Bit Torrent is telling me this will take weeks to download??
My Down Speed and Up Speed are both usually decimals (0.7kb/s...) and it's really starting to annoy me. I've heard people can get tens of kb/s or even hundreds, what is wrong with mine???
-I'm only downloading one file at a time.
-I'm not running anything else, like MSN.
-I've tried turning off my firewall.
Your ISP may be throttling the speed of the torrent. It might be a matter of just downloading at night, or your ISP might be cracking down on torrents in general.

Some torrent programs have a way to encrypt transfers, which might let you get around the throttle.

If you're downloading something that you ought to be buying in a store instead, stop being a cheapskate and don't bother with (usually virus-infested) torrents.
how many seeders or peers do you have? the more the better, the less the more you wait.....