Why is my Bit Torrent so slow?!?


New member
May 29, 2008
So I'm trying to download a couple of songs, and my Bit torrent is taking ages to download them?! I downloaded Utorrent and its the same? I go for the one with the most seeders and a reliable one too. some music comes through with in a minute, but some are taking like a day plus.. Help!
Internet service providers know that the majority of downloads using BitTorrent are illegal downloads, thus, whenever you download from there, your internet service provider provides a very small amount of bandwidth for BitTorrent.
You'll just have to live with it, you can make some pretty precise and tricky alterations to BitTorrent, but the problem is you have to work out what these changes will be, so it can be tricky for people who don't have an advanced knowledge of networking