Why don't celebrities ( lohan, hilton, spears, ) etc, get maximum sentences which...


New member
Apr 12, 2010
...are enforced? I'm throwing lohan's name out there but all celebrities who get arrested for theft, drugs, DUI, etc, get a slap on the wrist. Why are judges so afraid to keep these people locked up as long as they would sentence a normal blue collar worker? When these celebrities are release and commit another crime, shouldn't the judge be convicted as well for letting a felon back on the streets?
It's because money is power. This is the case for almost all rich people. They can afford fines and can afford bail. The people involved area also afraid of their lawyers too.

These people should go to jail like everyone else and not have special treatment. If they were forced to perform oral sex on some big tough prison chick, they would become model citizens. LOL.