Alcohol and Drugs are destoying our society.

How can you discuss sex and love in the modern world if you are only going to consider those over the age of 18? Most of the people I grew up with were sexually active significantly younger.
You'd be right in thinking that.

But I have to think about ethics.

Plus sexuality in females particularly below the age of 18 (mind you this kind of thing carries on for a good while) Sexuality is very simple. It's mainly social proof, and looks. Sexual activity and sexual maturity and two seperate concepts.

Put simply in a High school enviroment, if you are good looking, well groomed, popular, not a psycho (usually proven thrugh social proof anyway :p). Thats all that matters.

I WOULD like to interview some people below 18 and I had two lined, up but I'm still, ethically hesitant about the whole deal.

It would be helpful in demonstrating what I am talking about, when I refer to how sexuality is a process which keeps developing, WAY after puberty.

So it's really a case of ethics, and also privacy, being open about sexuality is a taboo, most mature people don't find it that way, put it's portrayed as such, so getting a 16 year old girl to feel comfrotable giving her name and age then talking on an audio record about her sexual experiences, her turns on's and offs along with any fetishes she has developed or particular preferences. (again a fetish or sexual taste which has not been hammered out (or in) by social conformity, is going to be hard to find at that age, at that stage of life, in the social contexts that that age group is faced with)

So it's a bit of stooshie, which I am steering clear of, for now at the moment.

Is going to be a toughy
There's no ethical consideration so long as you have parental consent to carry out the interview. As far as interviewing girls goes, get a woman to perform the interview.
That's the legal side, I still feel that I'd rather stay back from that issue, for my own personal position.

It to me seems to be to much risk, and to much work for such little gain. You have actually highlighed a point that for refrence value it would be desirable, but it I still have some thinking on it at the moment.

It may very well be that I am trying to word the work so it will not create right wing backlash, by interviewing younger girls, right down to the point where it is under-age.

The critisim that the work may be opened up to could be pretty unreal.

Ok good point so maybe i should have put it like this.

The abuse of Alcohol and Drugs are destroying our society.
Or at least its not helping.
Getting back OT.

Perhaps we should go back to a time when Heroin and Cocaine were freely available and consumed by men, women and children alike?

Society seemed to do OK then.