Why do Christians focus on L Ron Hubbard being a sci-fi writer, when the Bible


New member
Sep 27, 2011
is written by goat herders? Goat herders that were savage and barbaric towars one anothger, just letting their thetans run lose. When have woman been burnt at the stake or people enslaved in the name of Scientology? Never. And if your bible is so morally right, why don't we still follow every law is has? You know like stoning someone to death. Your hate is what Xemu wanted and your letting him win.
I see no evidence that the Bible was written by goat herders. Moses was a adopted son of a Queen of Egypt. Mr Lafayette R Hubbard is in hell and all of his followers as they rejected Salvation of the Cross
Are you for real?

I mean, are you really believing this garbage scientology?

Granted, christian faith is garbage, but it was probably not created for the purpose of defrauding people. Which is what scientology is.