
  1. V

    Ron RXX Announced

    Another Mexican carmaker, Ron Automobile, has thrown its hat into the ring, showing off the first images of its proposed supercar, the RXX.
  2. E

    Why do Christians focus on L Ron Hubbard being a sci-fi writer, when the Bible

    is written by goat herders? Goat herders that were savage and barbaric towars one anothger, just letting their thetans run lose. When have woman been burnt at the stake or people enslaved in the name of Scientology? Never. And if your bible is so morally right, why don't we still follow every...
  3. V

    Ron Artest Picks “Spers” to Beat the Heat in the Finals

    [No message]
  4. V

    Video: Ron Howard’s RUSH May Be The Ultimate F1 Flick

    RUSH translates the story of the 1976 season to the big screen, starting Chris Hemsworth (Thor, Red Dawn, Snow White And The Huntsman) as Briton James Hunt, while Daniel Brühl (Inglorious Basterds, The Bourne Ultimatum) plays Niki Lauda. RUSH will also star Olivia Wilde, as Hunt’s wife Suzy.
  5. M

    Parks and Recreation Episode?? Ron Swanson..?

    What is this episode of Parks and Recreation? Ron swanson runs out of groceries I think and walks into a diner and asks for something like 12 eggs.. in a carton, uncooked. Bacon.. in a bag uncooked, 10 slices of bread.. untoasted in a bag. Any Idea? Thanks! •“Oh, let me also get 12 eggs...
  6. J

    how many Ron Paul supporters even know what "fiat currency" even IS?!?

    hint people, it is NOT defined as "currency that Ron Paul doesn't like"! for all you NOT in the know (or too stupid to use your search engine!)
  7. B

    Do you like the comedian Ron White?

    I like his funny skits, and his sarcastic you?
  8. S

    Do you think Glen Rogers killed Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman?

    Just watched the new documentary called "My Brother the Serial Killer" about how OJ Simpson may have had an accomplice...your thoughts?
  9. J

    in the movie rookie of the year, why does the coach call henry ron gardner?

    im not sure if its gardenhire like the twins coach but either way why doesw he call henry that?
  10. A

    Ron Livingston Defends Sister Jennifer Livingston Against Fat-Shaming

    By now you've almost certainly heard about Jennifer Livingston, the WKTB news anchor who responded to viewer Kenneth Krause, who wrote in to criticize her weight earlier this week. Her on-air defense of her weight (and ability to set a good example for her community, whatever her size) was...
  11. T

    Another Way Out for Ron Paul Supporters? - Sep 17,2012

    And a way to end the corrupted government at the same time. Freedom Lovers Move down to Texas (Free State Project South Campus?) We plan, then elect Ron Paul to Governor, we secede when we must protect ourselves and he becomes President Paul, then several years later (6-8 roughly) we will have...
  12. V

    Does anyone else see the strong resemblance Ron Paul has to Lady Elaine on Mr.

  13. K

    The establishment and media are afraid of Ron Paul

    Why you might ask? Because he is the ONLY candidate running for president that is NOT heavily supported by private bankers, wallstreeters, and special interest corporations, the same people that heavily fund the mainstream media. They are bankrupting us. There's a blatant media...
  14. J

    Why do people regard Ron Paul as some sort of doctrine who has all the answers?

    Like, today, I heard someone say their devoted to 'Paulism'. WTF?
  15. P

    How can Ron Paul only have 10%?

    What is wrong with people that they can't see Ron Paul is the smartest, most qualified, honest, champion of the constitution, liberty and freedom for all, small government, wants to end the wars and fix the economy?
  16. H

    Why is Ron Paul the only presidential candidate that says all American...

    ...citizens have the right to due process? Mitt Romney said in tonight's debate that he would have signed the NDAA bill that gives the US military the right to arrest and hold American citizens indefinitely without trial. I believe all of the other candidates (including Obama who signed it of...
  17. A

    If Ron Paul gets the Republican nomination, could states like California and

    New York go red? His views on multiple issues seem commensurate with what people there believe. Normally you would never dream of those states going that way but I can't help but wonder. Republican voters: do you like him?
  18. J

    Why is Ron Paul lying about Rick Santorum's record? They have robocalls going out

    saying Rick is pro abortion? and against the right to bare arms? What is up with that? I though Ron Paul was supposed to be an honest guy?
  19. A

    Ron Paul’s Pot, Abortion Stances Don’t Make Him A Hypocrite (But His Voting Record Do

    Are being pro-marijuana legalization and anti-abortion at odds with one another? Some Ron Paul critics think so. At first it might seem the two issues have little to do with one another, but both deal with how much say the government has in what we do with our bodies. Is Paul a hypocrite for...
  20. J

    Would the world's children continue to suffer needlessly if Ron Paul isnt...

    ...elected President? Iranian children will be killed and maimed, American children will have to grow up without their dads (who were KIA), Mexican children will lose family to the ongoing War on Drugs, Cuban children will hunger due to sanctions, etc. The misery that US foreign policy...