
  1. M

    Why do people who claim to be Christian emphasize certain Bible passages over others?

    I am a Christian and I am sick of Christians who will condemn homosexuals yet engage in heterosexual fornication, which is also forbidden. I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle but it is not for you to judge and meanwhile you should be trying to fix the problems in your own life instead of...
  2. E

    Why do Christians focus on L Ron Hubbard being a sci-fi writer, when the Bible

    is written by goat herders? Goat herders that were savage and barbaric towars one anothger, just letting their thetans run lose. When have woman been burnt at the stake or people enslaved in the name of Scientology? Never. And if your bible is so morally right, why don't we still follow every...
  3. E

    Do Christians realize that King James I (commissioned: KJV Bible) had...

    ...many male lovers? The King's lover George Villiers reciprocated the King's love, writing back to James: "I naturally so love your person, and adore all your other parts, which are more than ever one man had," "I desire only to live in the world for your sake" and "I will live and die a lover...
  4. A

    Is there anything in the Bible against making or having pictures of Christ?

    And, given that nobody from around the 2nd century onwards knew what He looked like.... how could anybody expect their painting to be a fair representation?
  5. J

    is there anything in the bible that is evidence that jesus didnt have a kid?

  6. C

    The next bible quiz...?

    Using your memory and your bible... 1. What was the name(s) of Abram's Grandson? 2. What was Abraham given to sacrifice in place of Isaac? 3. When Moses asked God what His name was, what did God answer? 4. What did John the Baptist eat? 5. Why did God tell Hosea to marry a prostitute...
  7. R

    Atheists: Some Christians say: don't read Bible if you don't want to be Christian?

    Cause the Bible is holy What do you think of what they say
  8. R

    Why do atheists & other freaks use pages from the King James Bible to roll joints?

    Why do atheists & other freaks use pages from the King James Bible to roll joints? We get it. You're sure you're smarter than God. But why blaspheme by tearing pages out of the King James Bible to use as rolling papers for your joints? Isn't that disrespectful? Also does using pot make you...
  9. Olivia

    Where is the real beginning in the Bible for Christians?

    OT scripture does matter a great deal, but where in the Word is the beginning really revealed?
  10. T

    is Wikipedia a better holy book than the bible?
  11. N

    Quiz Time! Is this verse from the Bible or is it from the Quran?

    "Women must cut their hair off if they don't cover it. If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off".
  12. K

    How do Christians feel when they find out that throughout the entire bible,...

    ...Jesus never said that he was God? There is not a single verse in the entire Bible where Jesus himself says He is God or to Worship Him.
  13. M

    why do bible dumb christians think they will go to heaven?

    where in the world did you get that info from? definitely didn't come from the bible. I doubt you'll make it into the millennium, if your lucky and God truly is merciful, you might make the second resurrection after the millennium is finished
  14. C

    Christians, is the soul immortal according to the bible?

    does the bible say that the soul is immortal?
  15. C

    If God believe everyone is equal then why can't we re-write the Bible to include

    Gays and Lesbian? If America is a true Christian country with churches that teach and children about believing in Christ. Why can't we rewrite the Bible after the appearance of gays in a country that claims to have equality.
  16. D

    What is the Bible about?

    It's the best selling book but I've never bothered reading it and there isn't any summary on the back.
  17. T

    Has god been on a vacation for 2,000 years after he inspire the bible and

    performed all those miracles? In the Middle East? Should we expect an update to the bible or can we still pay 50 pieces of silver if we rape somebody? Is god still ok with slavery or he changed his mind?
  18. S

    Why do Christians think that quoting random bible verses gives credence to them?

    Why do they understand that in every other aspect of their lives they demand evidence, but in this one area, not only is evidence not required, it is actually rejected?
  19. S

    Why do Christians think that quoting random bible verses gives credence to them?

    Why do they understand that in every other aspect of their lives they demand evidence, but in this one area, not only is evidence not required, it is actually rejected?
  20. C

    Christians, the Bible is perhaps the first porno snuff?

    A father allowing her daughter to be gang raped in the street and then die after many hours. She is found by a man the next day who cuts up her body in pieces and ships it off to tribes of Israel. This sure sounds like a very first account of a porno snuff story no doubt. LOL peaceful God's...