Who are the most TALENTLESS celebrities (excluding Paris Hilton)?


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Excluding Paris Hilton because everyone already knows she has no talent and I would rather have different answers...haha.

My list:
Jessica Alba - She CANNOT act. ugh, she is terrible and her looks are overrated.
Miley Cyrus - she sounds like a scratched CD
Ashton Kucher - Not funny, not a good actor
Soulja Boy - Wow. O_O
Sky flying gordon witch - umm??? O_O why are you even HERE. The whole purpose of P&S is to ask RANDOM questions...so yeah.

Anyhow, call me crazy but I actually think Lindsey Lohan has some talent. I think she could be a good actress if she actually took a serious and good role but she cant sing for crap.