
  1. S

    Why Do People Think Dubstep Is Talentless Crap?

    I always wondered this. I asked 2 of my friends why they think, and here is what they said: "Dubstep is just random dj scratches and shit" "Dubstep is too popular / hip / latest trend" Well that is pretty weird, because 1. dubstep is not randomised non-rhythmic dj scratches and 2. dubstep...
  2. M

    Would you say eminem is a joke,talentless pothead poet? explain?

    he is crap plain and simple. he is just like icp, kid rock. man get some frickin therapy already.Anyone can see this guys got some serious mental problems again. Eminem's main goal is to deliberately shock by putting in tons of swear words and writing songs about murdering or hurting his...
  3. L

    How are so many talentless people famous nowadays?

    Artists simply don't write their own music anymore. They don't direct their music videos, they don't orchestrate their own actions or words. If they are in pictures in magazines, they are all photoshopped. Why? It seems like you don't even need talent anymore to be regarded "famous" And why do...
  4. B

    why talentless people like justin beiber are more famous than REAL music?

    i know what you're going to say : "if you don't like him don't listen to him" well that's the frikin problem, he's everywhere. and people who actually play real music are in the streets, i mean, in music contests, such people who go sing their heart out with nice metal and rock lose to people...
  5. I

    Out of these Disney talentless brats, which ones can make it in Hollywood?

    Which out these Disney brats can make it in Hollywood?
  6. J

    Don't people who help talentless reality TV people stay famous fail as human beings?

    If you are helping Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, and all these famous-for-nothing sluts stay famous, you should seek a lobotomy and sign up to be a target for terrorists.
  7. G

    Phil Dirtbox always smooches up to Z list talentless so called celebrities does...

    ...he want to get in the press? He has never had any media attention himself and now it.s a bit late will do anything to get a pic in the papers, does this show gross insecurity or just vanity?
  8. M

    Who's The most talentless celebrity ?

    theres alot actualy ..sigh i would say my top 3 would be miley cyrus paris hilton jonas brothers
  9. I

    Who are the most TALENTLESS celebrities (excluding Paris Hilton)?

    Excluding Paris Hilton because everyone already knows she has no talent and I would rather have different answers...haha. My list: Jessica Alba - She CANNOT act. ugh, she is terrible and her looks are overrated. Miley Cyrus - she sounds like a scratched CD Ashton Kucher - Not funny, not a good...
  10. S

    Is Dale Earnhartd Jr. gay or just a whiney talentless driver?

    Never see with any women, and has the best equiptment money can buy and still sucks!!!!!
  11. M

    Anyone else tired of talentless teeny bopper "celebrities"?

    Because I am! I love Hollywood and the few actors/actresses that have talent to offer the world and are entertaining at the same time. :) But lately, after the success of HSM and Twilight, the media has created insane attention for "celebrities" that honestly have nothing to offer. They're...