When do you open your presents?

um yeah thats what were figuring, what are you 5 and you still get gifts from santa in the morning? who else would you get gifts from in the morning besides your mom, dad, siblings...? christmas morning for the win, like normal people. wouldnt have it any other way
to the 32 people who voted christmas eve (yeah, im talking to you; ***************, akward silence, chapman_ethan, davkal, Double O Goose, Dr.StraightPride, dude127, grenadegloves II, gun slayer, Jester3, leech, mousek801, MR. P1nK, oonothing, paint maniac, Pakistani, PATsreuniontour, pbsoccer11, pimp3leet, pimpedion, QuantomToast, Randomperson, RockingTheIon70, Samrog777, semok27, shotyaface, Snakeplayer., splatman720v2, theubernoob, UNC_Bball, x3kellyn, yngwieragnarok) you all make me sick.
usually I get my main gift before christmas, then christmas morning I open up little presents and my stocking, the best stocking present I have ever recieved was NHL tickets. Totally wasnt expecting it :tup:
one time i opened all these little presents, and rents were like ok were all done guys, and i was like damn thats kinda slack. then i opened my stocking and rsx keys fell out :0
I already got my gift, I got a shuriken and iaito, apparently I have a few more weapons waiting too, will be a good Christmas
Well, I'll open some this Saturday with my dad's dad and sister, more on Christmas Eve with my parents, more on Christmas with my mom's parents and brothers, and more on New Year's with my dad's mom and step brother. Yay for having four Christmases!
my immediate family's presents in the morning, and then my uncle's and my grandma's a couple hours later, then on christmas night i get a couple from my relatives, and then 9 days later i get birthday presents =]
Christmas Eve, my family goes to my aunt/uncles house every year and opens a few presents and eats and stuff. I open all of my clothes and boring stuff on Christmas Eve, then Christmas morning I open all of the good expensive stuff at my house. Then we spend Christmas day at my aunt/uncles house again.
I got home for break and my parents said that we're going to open one gift Saturday, another Sunday, and then one on Monday, and the rest on Tuesday. I was like wtf why? :confused:
I don't know what I'm getting so it makes it especially unexciting when I hope for a cell phone from my grandparents and I end up getting a picture frame (without picture).