What is the weirdest or funniest conversation or argument you have ever had?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
So, I thinking about past arguments and conversations I have had with people, and I was wondering something. What is the weirdest, craziest, funniest, dumbest conversation or argument you have ever had?
In US Government class in High School, we were talking about US Citizenship. Teacher mentioned that the fule that the child of US citizens, born outside of the country, is refered to as something as 'Blood Citizenship,' or something like that. Anyway, point is, the kid's an American because he has American blood.
SO, I asked if a vampire, born outside of the US, who bites and consumes American blood, becomes an American citizen.
He said No, but the a vampire BORN in the US would be an American citizen.
At which point I said, 'Now you're just being ridiculous- everyone knows, vampires can't reproduce!'
Two come to mind for me. I was in my teenage years for all of them. Stupid raging hormones.

One was when I asked my mom if I could bring our electric pencil sharpener up to my room while I did my homework. She said no. I remember that I cried and sobbed for hours, and yelled at her and told her she was the meanest mom in the world.

Another one was when my mom had said I couldn't have/do something (don't remember what it was). I was really mad about it. She held a Bible Study group in our living room in the early morning for the youth in our church. So I decided that, to be really evil, I would sneak down in the middle of the night and take all the couch cushions and pillows off the couch, and pile them in a big pile in the middle of the floor. I remember thinking, "Ha! That'll show her." In the morning, all she did was come out of her bedroom and look at the pile and start laughing hysterically. Then she made me come and clean it up before her Bible Study group arrived. Backfired....

LOL. I'm glad I'm past my hormonal teenage years.
me and my brother were arguing over our tea last night because he was calling it a casserole and i was like it's a stew for like ten minutes then my mum told me today they are the same thing
something stupid.. like a last name if it had a z or an s at the end.. either way the chick got mad and actually wanted to fight over the phone lol XD like i have time for that sh*t