
  1. J

    movie scene - lead actor shoots a car to make a point in an argument?

    im looking for a movie scene i cant remember. the lead actor gets pissed off while talking to a friend and i think someone is yelling at him in the street while he talks. he turns around an just unloads half a clip in the hood/engine of the car. i thought it was a bruce willis scene but i...
  2. S

    Argument about iPhone 4?

    My retarded classmates for this project in class are judging my iphone 4 because i have the normal FCC symbol on my phone. apparently you cant see it on the white one so one of my retarded (not actually mental) classmates point out that my phone is apparently "fake" I know for a FACT its not...
  3. K

    Two friends are having a heated argument over a film that they have just seen?

    friends give an essay for this sentence in atleast 400 words.
  4. R

    What would be an argument for The Era of the Buffalo Hunt?

    I have a 2000 word essay due in a few months and I was assigned the topic "The Era of the Buffalo Hunt" but i cant figure out what to argue about? Any hints or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
  5. R

    What would be an argument for The Era of the Buffalo Hunt?

    I have a 2000 word essay due in a few months and I was assigned the topic "The Era of the Buffalo Hunt" but i cant figure out what to argue about? Any hints or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
  6. A

    The Sandy Hook Argument We Don’t Need To Have: Whether The Shooter Was Vegan

    Since the deaths of 20 students and 6 teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary school, everyone we know has been arguing over which arguments to have, and when to have them. But one argument that's emerged since Monday is so irrelevant, it's shocking: The fact that the shooter, Adam Lanza, was vegan...
  7. H

    interesting argument? need opinions on my English topic!?

    ok so i have to right an argumentative essay and i choose high school education. so here is my first argument. would high school be more interesting and beneficial to students if they taught career courses instead of basic courses? what i mean by this is if high school taught you your career...
  8. A

    Maggots, Mouse Poop and Mold: An Argument For More Government In Your Food

    After the New York City Board of Health unanimously voted yesterday to give giant soda the boot, there was an immediate outcry. "Nanny state!" cried those who weren't in favor. "I don't want government*controlling*what I eat!" But as a pretty repulsive article on Buzzfeed*today*points out, the...
  9. G

    Teaching After The Test: An argument for a national school schedule

    First, a word about Nazis and Free Speech, and other matters: Catch up on the latest news about Repression of Nazis, and join the conversation about Free Speech and how sometimes it is better to shut up, over at the X Blog. Today I am preparing a presentation and discussion for a course in...
  10. G

    Does it matter how early an argument happens in a relationship?

    like not early..lets say you guys make 2 months..but the argument is emotional..yet not bad.
  11. H

    Is the conservative argument that rich investors are doubled taxed valid?

    The corporation they invest in pay the income taxes not the individual investors!Corporations paying corporate income taxes is also known as the price of doing business! Now if they owned the company as a sole proprietorship that would be different.Then they would only be taxed again on the...
  12. A

    Faces of Meth™: Good Argument Against Drugs, Great Proof That Genes Aren’t Everything

    It's not hard to prove that meth is a bad idea, but the Faces of Meth™*photos from Oregon's Multnomah County Sheriff department definitely help the case. They're also one of the most convincing arguments I've ever seen for the idea that we aren't doomed to whatever our genes have in store for...
  13. N

    Argument with Girlfriend, Now not talking, Help ! ?

    Me and my Girlfriend had a massive argument yesterday, and we Havnt talked since. It was about her meeting another guy behind my back some time ago, and her last message said I always regretted what I Did and I love you.. What makes me so upset inside is that because it was with someone who I...
  14. X

    Thesis (Argument Topic) Ideas for Any of the Following Eastern...

    ...Religions/Philosophies? Well, I'm stumped. I need to write an argument paper (for or against, doesn't matter) for a topic relating to a philosophy of an Eastern Religion. The eastern religions we're studying are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Jainism and Shinto. So, I...
  15. E

    What's a good argument against the introduction of assisted reproductive

    technologies in developing countries? Besides the fact that it's already unregulated in developed countries and introducing it in developing countries would make the infertility problem even more complicated?
  16. J

    How to start argument By the way i dont argue read discription and you'll

    know what i want? ok i want to make an argument with my female teacher like make her mad at me little bit and how can you start a argument that will make her upset mad or sad at me so how what should i do in class to make her mad sad or upset PS IF YOU GONNA SAY WHY YOU WANT TO MAJE HER MAD OR...
  17. J

    how to start argument By the way i dont argue read discription and you'll know what

    i want? ok i want to make an argument with my female teacher like make her mad at me little bit and how can you start a argument that will make her upset mad or sad at me so how what should i do in class to make her mad sad or upset PS IF YOU GONNA SAY WHY YOU WANT TO MAJE HER MAD OR ANY OF...
  18. T

    How can i counter argue this argument?

    My subject is philosophy and we had a discussion class today which spoke about the mind. This argument was put forth by a philosopher named John Searle. The discussion is involving what qualifies one person to have a thought... here is the argument 1. Let S be any program whatsoever. 2. The...
  19. M

    What is the weirdest or funniest conversation or argument you have ever had?

    So, I thinking about past arguments and conversations I have had with people, and I was wondering something. What is the weirdest, craziest, funniest, dumbest conversation or argument you have ever had?
  20. T

    what subject should I pick to argue in my argument calss?

    It was my turn but I didn't know what subject should I pick for arguing so my teacher gived me time and said next time you have to say something. plz help me come up with something interesting(10 points) like last week subject was" The influence of architecture in our life"