
  1. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Odditory (NSFW)

    I'm pretty sure having students play their heinies like bongos for the enjoyment of their instructor is illegal in at least 15 states, regardless of the lesson plan. And let's not even get into the desk licking, or the bra tearing, or the riding crops *shudder* Read more...
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    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Garbage

    This haunting animation by Pavel proves that, even in a post-apocalyptic future where humanity has been reduced to nearly-mindless husks and raised as a power source for their trash-spewing robotic overlords, there aint's shit to watch on TV. Read more...
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    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Swear Words (NSFW)

    God bless America, every mother fucking one of us. Read more...
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    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Gator Pie

    This is the single best pizza commercial in the history of all time. Read more...
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    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Justin Bieber Don't Cry

    The Gaga plane-dog has a point. It's not Justin Bieber's fault he's a shrill, spoiled, cheap-shotting little bitch, it's all of ours for paying attention. Read more...
  6. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Demons End

    What? Everybody's cool with monkey knife fighting but put one up against an unholy giraffe with a katana and suddenly people are yelling, "but it's got an unfair height advantage," "where'd that monkey get an Under Armor hat?" and "why is that giraffe breathing fire?" None of that matters, only...
  7. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: The Lumberjack

    As the injured man later explained to police, "It got into my hand and it went bad. So I lopped it off at the wrist." Read more...
  8. M

    What Is The Weirdest Place To Have Sex For You?

    What Is The Weirdest Place You Ever Had Sex? Please Do Share... Just Curious ;) .
  9. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Tom N Jerry

    And you thought the Warner Bros. cat and mouse duo had outlandish chase sequences? Psh. This CGI reboot by Brian Jin combine Tom and Jerry's slapstick humor with an anime motiff and Michael Bay-caliber explosions as the duo wreaks havoc on an airport's security installment (and takes down a...
  10. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Perihelion (NSFW)

    Gird your loins and prepare for another bizarre expedition into Nick Cross' warped imagination. As the animator explains, More »
  11. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Heart to Mouth

    An expression of love can take many forms—be it a heartfelt letter, a thoughtful gesture, or, in this case, two women stroking each other's latex balloon heads. "I want to create a tension between the body and material-almost as though they become one," says Bart Hess, the Dutch artist behind...
  12. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Game Theory

    What do you get when you overlay 19 classic video game tracks and television theme songs atop one another and play them on hacked NES controllers? This. More »
  13. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Pepto Bismuth

    Pepto Bismol, that faintly bubblegum-flavored sludge from your medicine cabinet, was actually once considered something of a wonder drug. Bismuth subsalicylate (BSS), the active ingredient in Pepto, is derived from Bismuth salts. Even as a salt, people have used bismuth since the 18th century...
  14. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Drifting

    This quirky short follows a young boy as he susses out the relationship between life, death, and the sleepy shadow monsters that live in our mouths. Tim Divall created Drifting as his first year film project at the RCA. More »
  15. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Ablaze

    Originally presented without comment, this mysterious short film by Takahiro Suzuki poses many difficult questions while providing precious few details—who are these people, what are they agog over, and does anyone else smell smoke? Your guess is as good as any. More »
  16. G

    The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Cattle Call

    Livestock and art auctions share little in common beyond a name. While even the most ferocious bidding war at Christie's or Sotheby's will remain stately and reserved, cattle auctions devolve into frantic, rapid-fire calls the moment the steer enter their pen. But as Werner Herzog once quipped...
  17. G

    The Weirdest Thing People Hate About the iPhone 5 [Iphone 5]

    There are many issues one can reasonably have with the iPhone 5. That overpriced dock connector. An inexcusably bad Maps app. Even the fact that it's a little, well, boring. But there's no way Apple could've anticipated this particular backlash: More »
  18. K

    weirdest horror movies? with HD torrent links please.?

    any recommendations?
  19. K

    weirdest horror movies? with HD torrent links please.?

    any recommendations?
  20. K

    weirdest horror movies? with HD torrent links please.?

    any recommendations?