What is a good hair style for me?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Easy 10 points.
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I plan to grow out my hair more
Please thank youu [:

Here are some pics of me:




lol be nicee.

btw: my hair is dark brown now.
omg i love your hair. escpecially your bangs. if you grow it out a little longer i think you should get lotsa layers around your face and some more throughout your hair. it always gives it some extra oompf and flair. movie star in the making. hope this helps. :)
your soo pretty! i'm jealous. :p i think your bangs suit you really well, but if your looking for a change, bold straight accross bangs would look fabulous. also i think if you added lots of layers, nothing past your shoulders, would look amazing. this style would look so good on you! because you have a nice wave in you hair so it would look cute with the bold bangs, or if you straightened or curled it, it would also look really good. good luck!! : ) take a look at some of demi lovato's pictures if you want to get a better idea of what i'm saying lol