GIRLS!! - I need you to rate my friends based on physical attractiveness!

3 for me but I dunno. [needs better dress sense!] 6/10

I don't consider 4 to be attractive. 3/10
1 is ok :) 6/10
2 is a bit full of himself, not someone I'd go for but heyho. 5/10
Thanks for the replies; Im surprised there all average, maybe I'm just not that great :mad:

Number 2 and 4 tend to be a greater hit with the paki/indian girls, you know the loud type in the student union.

Number 1 ; I think girls like because he's tall and skinny like a model

and Number 3 is loved by the chinese girls lol
LOL i like this thread.
Um its a toss up between 2 and 4 in my tastes.
But 2 looks like a stoner and unhealthy.