What hair style can i do with my hair type/texture?


May 29, 2008
I am a Puerto Rican and Moroccan male my hair is quite thick and i have the worst hairline ever it is almost like mickey mouses where it looks like an M, i have a widows peak or a dew point... the hair grows on the side of it as well one side a little more then the other. It really looks like the letter "m"
I spike it back and get a shape up, but i don't want that i feel the hair grows back and i constantly shave it, i also had a all round 2 with a shape up, again it was a hassle of cleaning my forehead of excess hair. My hair is thick and curly but i've kept it down for so long it's almost straight, small waves. PLEASE HELP. Links to hairlines, or hairstyles would help me!