I can't make a decision about my hair color/style cause no matter what my


May 12, 2008
mom doesn't approve? I have naturally blonde curly hair. When I was younger, it was wavy. When I got older, it turned light brown (looked red in pictures) and developed into this thick, massive bush. I do not like it but my mom always has and thinks it’s my best feature. I’m 19 now. I went blonde 2 years ago and the lady did it all at once (was white like an old lady’s hair) and my mom freaked out. So I’ve had a brown toner put on it several times. Now the brown has grown out quite a bit and the bottom is a mix of blonde and brown. It does not look good, my mom calls it watered down tea. I either want blonde wavy hair (I’ll use a curling iron or something to make waves instead of curls) or brown straight hair. I can’t make a decision, this has been going on for months and I switch back and forth constantly. I want my mom’s approval (I live with her and don’t have my driver’s license) but she doesn’t give her approval. She likes brown curly and keeps obsessing about the thickness. She can’t handle change and that’s what she likes, no matter how many times she tries to deny it. She doesn’t want me to have blonde, she hates foils and is scared cause of what happened before. She doesn’t want it straight cause she feels I look like everyone else. She wants brown curly even though curly has not been in style since the 80’s and hardly anybody is wearing their hair that way.

Every time I tell her I’ve made a decision, she doesn’t take me seriously since I go back and forth so much. When I say I want blonde and ask her thoughts, she says how she’s already told me the best my hair has looked is when I was younger and had the blonde curls and was tan. Then when I say I’ve decided on the brown straight, she says how she’s already told me the best my hair has looked is when I had the toner put on it to make it brown again and it was straight. When I asked her what she liked best one time, she said the picture where it was light brown curly (after it had been bleached and then a toner put on it, it wasn’t as thick). When I ask her if I shouldn’t do the brown straight cause it looks like everyone else, she agrees. When I ask her if I should do the brown straight cause it’s what I have the most confidence with, she agrees. I can’t take this anymore!!! A decision has to be made. She thinks my confidence (I have none) needs to come from within and that it doesn’t matter how I look. When I scheduled a consultation with a hair stylist, he asked my mom what she thinks. And she said she doesn’t care. So yes her opinion matters but she won’t give it! I can’t keep doing this, it’s a constant headache and major stress going back and forth. But the way my hair looks now looks absolutely terrible. Please help!!!
It's your hair, she just wants it healthy. Pick a shade, then go and get a garnier fructis brand, (their dyes are more pricy, but they're sooo good for your hair) it's boxed dye, but it's good.. Then dye it on your own, or give it to the stylist and ask her to use that instead. Then you can pick what you want, it can be thick and healthy, and it's a win-win!