What fitness regime to follow to tone up? At home or at the gym?


May 14, 2008
I'm not overweight, I'm average-slim build, so it's not that I want to lose weight.

I'd just like to tone up my upper body, just so i can feel comfortable showing my upper body in front of people! Just slightly tone up pecs, abs... not sure what else would help the look really!

So yeah, would love your guys' opinions on what kinda exercise to be doing to tone up.

Also, not sure whether I can do a fine work out at home, crunches, sit ups, press ups etc and itll be worth it, or if going to the gym would make the process quicker and better etc? What you think about that?

I've heard that doing sit ups/crunches at home too much can work out your abs in a way which just makes a bulge of muscle, not a proper average toning. So wasnt sure if gym would be better where the machines offer a wider variety of muscle-work-outs.

So yeah - opinion on all this would be very much appreciated! Anything that'll help me get a better looking upper body really! Cheers everyone.