What do you think of the disturbing trend of guys hitting up girls on Facebook?


Feb 21, 2008
I will be the first to admit I'm a push-over. I do not own a cell phone, so that way I don't have to feel bad about not giving someone my number. Had too many problems in the past with that. Now I just say I don't have one.

But I still have Facebook. So guys are getting around the whole no-cell thing! I have about 5 this week trying to hit me up. Their messages are so annoying! We are in college, for pete's sakes! What a bunch of pussaayys.

I will share two stories. I saw this one guy in the lobby at school; I was talking to a mutual male friend. They work together. So the guy did not talk to me, did not even introduce himself. But he asked my friend about me and told him I was hot. A week later, I get a request from him on Facebook. He purposely looked for me on there, I know for a fact because he told my friend so. I accepted because I also thought he was hot. So we start talking, go out once and it was SO horrible. No connection at all, he didn't leave a tip, took out his phone at the table, so many of my pet peeves, he did! And he still tries talking to me, blah blah, wants to go out AGAIN! I don't know what to do, even though what I realllly want to do is say "F you!"

Then there's another creeper. He's an ugly one. I have him for 3 classes, as I found out the first week of school. He did not talk to me at all. But that same week, I get a request from him! We only had two mutual friends, so OBVIOUSLY he somehow memorized my name and sought me out! Then when I accept, he sends me a message "Hey, don't I have you for a couple classes?" AS IF he did not know. He tells me I'm pretty and smart and blah blah blah. But he doesn't talk to me in class. It's so annoying.

What do I do? Would it be awfully mean of me to delete all these weirdos? I would be left with maybe 30 friends. Lol. Do I just not reply to their messages? Feel free to share a story.
Wow, things sound so hard up there on your pedestal... I mean how dare these ugly, shy people try to get to know you. Where do they get off?
haha thats funny, those guys are just young and dumb. i dont even go on facebook anymore but i have one. im in college, and i just talk to girls, i dont even hit on them or try to get numbers, i let them make the moves.

but anyway, just tell those guys your busy, and dont respond theyll get the hint.
I suggest putting the first 2 paragraphs as your status. I pretended to be a girl once, and I had like 99 messages in 10 minutes.