
  1. S

    Is this a new trend in Israeli propaganda?
  2. K

    Do you think this is a beginning trend or an anomaly?

    Kansas Teachers Vote to Decertify Their Union
  3. B

    So how is Hip-Hop a trend that will die out like Disco...?

    ...when it's existed since the 70s? Oh right, favorite Led Zeppelin song? You can trace the origins of Rock in the 50s and the origins of Hip-Hop in the 70s. Tell me how the latter is a trend please. Thank you. I wonder if a certain Punk reviewer can answer this question, hmmm... @venomous...
  4. J

    Willdan trend reversed?

    I'm trying to work out whether the wldn trend has reversed, is the stock testing support? Or is the outlook bearish?
  5. E

    Carbon Dioxide levels are about to reach 400 ppm. How do we reverse the trend?

    What should we do before Global Warming is out of control? See
  6. A

    Girls; is black hair the new trend now?

    I've noticed that so many girls are dying their hair black now. Blonde is becoming a rarity. Here is a link of celebrities that are doing it too. Has anyone else noticed, opinions? (...
  7. A

    Dying over the "ombre" trend?

    So I currently have the ombre hair. However the top part of my hair is dyed a dark brown/black with a redisih tint, over my naturally medium brown hair. The problem now is that my roots are growing out and I'm so tired of having the dark hair, and the contrast from the dark top to blonde ends...
  8. L

    Need Trend Line Help?

    General forms of the equation through the point (2,1) parallel to the kube 4x - 2y = 3 and perpendicular to the given line.
  9. S

    Weird trend in baby names?

    What is a name trend you think it weird or likely to fade? BQ: Why are half the people in the BN section having twins? Better than that, why are people lying and saying they are having twins? Isn't one imaginary baby enough?
  10. A

    Do you think it is a bad trend for women to get married in their early 30s?

    In most Nordic countries, women marry over 30. In Sweden the average age is 32! Eventually it will probably happen in the USA. What do you think of this?
  11. R

    When is this hipster/J Crew fashion trend for guys going to end?!?

    At least where I am in southern California, all the guys are wearing ridiculous tank tops, neon wayfarers, short pink trunks and deck shoes. Not to mention that crappy hipster haircut. If that's considered cool right now, I am scorching hot I guess. How can anyone think that looks good on a...
  12. S

    What is the latest trend?

    I don't want to look like a slut or anything, but my mum buys literally all my clothes from second hand shops so they are really old fashioned and ugly. I also get my cousins old clothes. How do I convince my mum to buy me new clothes and what are the latest trends for 13 year olds.
  13. V

    Why do kids today think being gay is cool like it's the new trend?

    I have noticed this at my nephew's, cousin and most schools around the country. Kids are claiming to be bi-sexual, when they are in fact straight, just to be cool. It's the new trend now adays. I am just curious, why being gay has become a trend for kids?
  14. O

    Trend analysis is also called:?

    Financial analysis Ratio analysis Index number trend analysis Industry analysis Output analysis
  15. F

    Working in the mental health field, I've noticed a disturbing trend. More and...

    ...more people are coming to me? to express their trauma related to sitting on Matt's couch with Jeff then walking by and staring. This is not an urban legend, my friend. No indeed. This happens more often than you could possibly imagine. No one is immune. YOU could be next!
  16. C

    Is there a trend right now for men to grow (sweet) mullets?

    I've seen about 4 different guys in my city in the past 2 days who have mullets! Like Billy Rae Cyrus 1980s hick mullets, lol. I don't really get what it is, but is this a trend that I've missed? These are guys in their 20s and I live in California. Yesterday I saw a guy and I thought "Omg he...
  17. M

    Do you like the aztec pattern trend?

    I see it on a lot of clothes lately, I think it looks pretty cool.
  18. E

    New fashion trend for young ladies?

    I really like this one as a guy who considers himself old-fashioned, maybe it is just me, but where I live in California girls are starting to wear long dresses, they look like they are covered in a river of silk, very attractive, so is this some new trend? (age 17)
  19. W

    New message trend is painful?

    every now and then I get a message to loosen my back and prevent/get rid of back pains. But it seems like more and more often the messuse will find a knot in my muscle and repeatedly press on it and pop it against my bones. the process is sort of pain full. I end up leaving with a tender and...
  20. A

    What has been the trend of atmospheric CO2 since the Paleozoic?

    (This needs to be broken down into segments)