
  1. F

    Working in the mental health field, I've noticed a disturbing trend. More and...

    ...more people are coming to me? to express their trauma related to sitting on Matt's couch with Jeff then walking by and staring. This is not an urban legend, my friend. No indeed. This happens more often than you could possibly imagine. No one is immune. YOU could be next!
  2. N

    Why weren't the "Alien" movies as disturbing to me as a kid as they are now?

    Why weren't the "Alien" movies as disturbing to me as a kid as they are now? Back then it was all action. Sigourney Weaver kicking some Xenomorph a$$! I recently bought the first four movies on a Blu Ray combo pack, and it wasn't at all like that now. The recent Alien vs Predator movies are all...
  3. A

    Canadian teen suffers broken jaw after disturbing swing from foe, but was it intentio

    In Canada, a 17-year-old juniors hockey player suffered one of the most painful looking injuries in recent memory, leaving him with a broken jaw that required surgery and will sideline him for as many as six weeks. Now the question is when the 19-year-old who inflicted the injury upon him will...
  4. J

    what are the most disturbing animes?

    i need a list of the most messed up ones
  5. A

    Mom Taking 5-Year-Old Tanning Is Disturbing, But Her Tanned Face Is Even More Disturb

    OK, this is clearly disturbing. A New Jersey mom has been accused of taking her 5-year-old daughter into a tanning booth and burning the girl's skin--something she denies. But just one look at this woman makes it hard to believe she could be innocent. More »Post from: Blisstree
  6. C

    Which image from Dante's "Inferno" do you find most disturbing?

    For me, it would be the schismatics. It *ALMOST* made me puke. And the image of Count Ugolino eating Bishop Ruggierri's brain! *shudder*
  7. N

    What's more disturbing: a straight serial killer who preys on women or a gay

    serial killer who preys on men? Ted Bundy (straight) versus Ottis Toole (gay). Toole killed women too, but he didn't rape them, so not sure if he was a good example, but he's the only gay one I know of.
  8. G

    Disturbing Evidence of Recent Nuclear Reactions Found at Fukushima [Japan]

    Japan is hoping to have the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant safely shuttered by the end of the year, but a little radioactive wrench just got dropped: inspectors have discovered evidence of very recent fission. That's bad news. More »
  9. T

    Disturbing dream prevention?

    I just woke up from a nightmare. It's 2 am and I'm about to go back to sleep, how can I ensure the dream won't resume when I start to dream again?
  10. J

    Is this a disturbing trend that we - LGBT - should be concerned about?

    The anti-gay marriage movement seems ot be gaining momentum - I have seen an ad on youtube which I assume is being aired and this phrase - "Same sex marriage will restrict my rights and freedom and harm my family" seems to be their catchcry. i see it, roll my eyes and if it doesn't answer the...
  11. L

    What do you think of the disturbing trend of guys hitting up girls on Facebook?

    I will be the first to admit I'm a push-over. I do not own a cell phone, so that way I don't have to feel bad about not giving someone my number. Had too many problems in the past with that. Now I just say I don't have one. But I still have Facebook. So guys are getting around the whole no-cell...
  12. S

    a disturbing dream that i would like someones opinion on thanks!!!?

    i dont know what to make of this. it wasn't a dream that i was in control of, well at the end it was. so i was dreaming about a party at my commanders house from the army. there was a talk of a spirit that needed to be freed or something. something happened that it was freed and my girlfriends...
  13. G

    Sinéad O'Connor Posts Open Letter Discouraging Suicide Following Own Disturbing Tweet

    Sinéad O'Connor is opening up about her suicidal Twitter rant, just a few days after her disturbing disclosure shocked and worried her fans. * After posting a series of...
  14. G

    Disturbing behavior

    UC Davis Prof Steps Down from Chair-ship over his own misogynist treatment of grad students: A while back ...a department chair in the veterinary school at the University of California at Davis had polled a class on what grade he should give to a student who had to miss some quizzes...
  15. S

    What is the most disturbing movie you've ever seen?

    I'll say Clockwork Orange.
  16. POLL which song do you find creepier/ more disturbing?

    do listen to the whole song, for this little study to work.. or at least listen into the main areas.. since some get sicker to the end. i'm choosing these vids so the video won't alter the perception of the song Korn - Shoots and Ladders youtube...
  17. C

    I had a disturbing dream? Should I be concerned?

    This morning I woke up around 3 a.m, I was sweating and my head was rushing. In my dream it was a first person type view (I'm not sure if it was me or not) but the person I was walked into a room (not sure if it was a store, school, really not sure) and pulled out a gun and started shooting...
  18. S

    Extremely disturbing dream that I had last night?

    I had a really upsetting dream last night i feel so weird right now I don't really know what to do with my mind right now...I was in a hotel room and then my english teacher walks in and tries to rape me it was so disturbing and upsetting that i woke up this morning with tears in my eyes because...
  19. E

    I've been having this weird, disturbing vision?

    Okay, this is really bizarre. For the past month or so, I've been seeing this apartment in my mind every night. It gives me anxiety attacks sometimes. I know for a fact that I have never been to this place before. I've asked friends and family if I've ever lived there or if anyone I knew lived...
  20. I

    I had a really disturbing dream? What does it mean?

    I had this dream last night that my dad was raping my sister and when he stopped he threatened me that he'd to it to me if I was out of line. Um? Why did I dream this? It's kinda freaking me out....