What do you think of my healthy eating / diet plan?


May 13, 2008
Basically put on a few pounds especially after the winter just gone with christmas, new yrs etc...and with a Girls holiday fast approaching end of May i wanted to eat healthier and shred a few pounds to get trim for hols! (Im also power walking every couple of days for half hr).

Im not looking to lose alot of weight so well known diets seemed a bit extreme for me and thought i'd go with my own, which i prefer and makes me happier!

Anyways, im having breakfast, lunch and dinner with no snacks in between other than fruit. Completely cut out chocolate, biscuits and cake :)

For breakfast i have either:

Slice of wholemeal toast, light olive spread. Glass of juice.


Bowl of crunchy nut with semi-skimmed milk


Wholemeal sandwich with either tuna/cheese/turkey/chicken + salad. Packet of crisp and a piece of fruit. Glass of juice.


Stick to meals i had before like:
Chicken curry & rice.
Pasta - with tomato based sauces rather than creamy ones now.
Chicken, potatoe & veg
Spagetti Bol
.....all the usual

(nothing fried though!)

What you all think? Healthy enough? I've lost 3 pounds last 2 weeks.

Also, another Q - if scrambled egg on wholemeal toast a good healthy lunch?
yes egg on toast is fine
potatoes and anything dough based (bread etc) is not the best to eat often if your trying to loose weight (too much carbs)