Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

I wouldn't mind so much but it's just sat on the drive with the boot locking mechanism not locking and no one at Renault can see me till Friday. Plus, I only had a service a few months back!!!
grrrr... highschool
grr...ignorant teens who most likely will not graduate
grrrr... gettin punished for crap that other ignorent kids did
grrr... . teachers who cant figure out how to use a computer or ask someone for help messing up your grades.
grrr.... having the right to defend yourself as a citizen, but getting expelled for being in a situation were u have too.
grrr.... school thinking there your parents
grrr.... @$$ backward administration pissing of half the good teachers, and making them leeve, and then replacing them with crappy teachers from there country(because its cheap and there unionized) who are only on temporary visa's,who cant speek or write basic english,or control the class and also mess up your grade.
grrr. school being paranoid about everything so much that they try to cancel normal school activities out of fear even win a threat isnt present( i.e. thinking a mohawk is gang related, thinking a star of david is gang related, trying to cancel prom for fear that someone might bring someone in a gang)
grrr.... the white boy with from the suburbs who saw eight mile and boys in the hood to much who thinks hes in gang who carries around a red durag hanging out the wrong side of his pants all day when he dosnt have the hair for it who caused them to be paranoid about gangs( one of the many more things there scared of.
grrr.... faculty having no clue about american culture except for what they saw in "freedom writers" and there for, interprets everything as bad ,and refuses to listen to the kids who could educate them about are culture!!
grrr... having to give the respect of an adult to people who wont give it back.
Grrrr..... God bashing

(wipes sweet from his head) I feel better.

Being moved from my IT position to "distribution" (aka warehouse/stock) on September 30th w/out even being asked if I wanted the position. Finally working for a great Supervisor and then I get moved under another supervisor who is a complete dolt and brown noser!
Having to sit through an entire film with some lanky legged numpty behind me kicking into my chair every ten minutes.

Just because you were blessed with long legs doesn't mean you can kick my back rest trying to get comfy. Get an aisle seat doughnut!

*Apologies to any long legged people who may be offended by the above post, unless you kick the back of peoples chairs then you deseve to be offended.

........and breathe.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR at stupid icy roads!!!

I skidded on black ice during rush hour and found my car hurtling into the other lane with a car trying to overtake me.

Luckily my awesome driving skills saved me.
LOL!!!!!! Now I realize why people can't believe I'm sixteen. You guys are obsessed with school and petty shiste.

Grrr to annoying teenagers. Lol
GRRRRRRRRRR to having the flu for the past week not being able to get out of bed let alone train.
GRRRRR to kids whom the flu just seems to bounce off.
GRRRRRR to the useless weather that does not know what it is doing.
Grrrrr at the two 9-stone pencilnecks in the tearoom yesterday who claimed that "all people who lift weights are insecure".
Grrr at the stupid people who won't let you sit them in rotation and those same people who complain about waiting to eat...