Sportster vs ninja sport bike??!?


New member
Nov 29, 2012
I am looking to buy my very first motorcycle and get my license... I never rode before and I'm 19 years old 5 ft 11 155 pounds... What are the pros and cons of an 883 iron sportster vs a 250 ninja? What do you guys recommend.. And how comfortable are these bikes ? I will be planning about a 3 hr ride to sdsu for college in the future..
You don't want to take a 3 hour ride on a sport bike. Also because of it's very nature and your age you will act like an idiot on it. The Harley will have excellent resale value when you want to move up the Ninja none at all. Hell I know much older people that ride Sportsters every day for many many years and never upgrade.
Go with the ninja 250. Youll have more fun with it and learn to ride. And youll be going to college soon, that means youre young, a 250cc is suitable.

And as for the 3 hour ride, me personally I love motorcycles so much that I ride literally 6 hours a day. (11 hours on the weekends each day)

So it's up to you on how you make of it, just don't be an idiot on one. Ive had many friends killed because of this.

Btw I go to SDSU currently :) The chicks at our parties here will be flocking on you when you pull up with a sportbike. Not so much with a harley. But hey, that's up to you, it depends what category you like more
It's the difference between 1925 and 2012. Riding a harley is like showing up at the ski hill with leather ski boots, wood skies and bear trap bindings. Plus you pay extra for the name.

The ninja is lighter, faster, corners much better, gets better gas mileage, half the price, doesn't vibrate you to death or sound like you are attention starved and you don't look like a cornball or a poser when you ride it.