So, my whole life is not as it seems...


Apr 8, 2008
So i thought i was a pretty conservative person, but after watching this ive come to the conclusion that im going to get fucked, but to hell if im going to get an RFID chip in me, i dont wanna be tracked everywhere i go. In order to get what im talking about you need to watch this, then discuss, personally i thought it was a damn good video. (yes its two hours long, but im glad i spent the time watching it in light of recent economical events, ie oil has shot up in price yet the dollar is dropping like a fucking rock and many countries are thinking of abandoning it)

if you dont wanna have a insightful conversation then just leave cus id rather not deal with a bunch of immature little crotch goblins.

PS. after doing a bit of research everything seems to be legit about the movie, and im not one to play into bs.
Yeah, and I don't really think this will happen anytime soon.. It will have to challenge legal issues and many people will probably fight it so I would be surprised to see it happen in my lifetime.
they got some damn good rhetorical strategies, but just saying, i wouldnt be surprised. and i'll just tell you i told you so if anything does happen :p
Yeah, well I have a lot of stubbornness in me so it will be a cold day in hell when I get a chip. Ive heard of the theory where you won't be able to buy anything without it though, this chip will be your identity- no more driver's license, no more social security number... everything will be kept on your chip but thats just a theory
a bunch of little crotch goblins... yeah your the mature one :rolleyes:

this video is retarded please find the nearest busy intersection-> then walk into it. thank you that is all.
to an intersection? we can only hope there is one busy enough to kill you at this hour.
I'll never get a chip, but I heard they are going to make a card as another way to do things. It'd be the same thing in principal, but without that God-awful chip.
at a biblical stand point that would be "the Mark of the beast" it would be just one more step towards the apocalypse some would say. :devil:

Movies full of propaganda and ignorance imo