"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

You need to read up on lucid dreaming, basiclly its the ablilaty to control your dreams, like being able to relize your dreaming and then without waking up, you take your dreams wherever you choose, defeating your nightmares. Not only is it the biggest effing rush, you will never have any nightmares again.
Ever since i learned to control my dreams i havent had a nightmare in years and ive been able to do things like skydiving in my dreams(what a feeling!)

There are many resorses on the web about lucid dreaming i strongly suggest you look into it. But if nothing else works, THC will block some of your brains reseptors cause very faint or almost no dreaming(that you can remember), but its also very hard to accomplish lucidness if you area a thc user
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

smoke a bunch of weed before you go to sleep it will knock you out and you won't wake up.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

talk to a therapist, or find other people online with similar problems as you and see how they've dealt with it. hopefully it's not a serious problem. regardless, i belong to the healia communities where you can ask medical professionals questions and talk to other people that suffer from the same stuff as you. maybe you can talk to someone about what you're going through.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

I have a problem as well, it comes and goes. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night and just try and run out of my room, I have been caught outside sitting on my deck as well. One night I went to sleep before my sister and ran down the stairs right past her, apparently I went 5 stairs at a time. Usually I "wake" up and am sitting there looking at this figure, I have no idea where I am in my room or what is going on, I just sit there until finally I am "released" and can turn on my light. 2 weeks ago I was fully awake but I still saw the figure so I started kicking my legs as fast as I could at it, there is no light in my room either, it is pitch black in there.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

sounds like you h ave the same thing I have

its called sleep paralysis, look it up and read about it, a lot of websites give tips on how to avoid it
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

terrible idea considering you can induce a coma on yourself when shifting dreams
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

Honestly i used to have the same shit happen to me....look to see if there are any patterns of what u did the day before (usually before you went to bed) and times you had these problems i made a log an soon realized it was directly related to caffeine.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

i learned to wake myself up in 7th grade from dreams like that. It's kinda hard, it takes effort (the actual waking up does, it's like i have to jerk my chest+head up, if i don't do it with enough effort i remain asleep). It was one night where it was like a series of nightmares and so i would wake up. Then i was so tired id go back to sleep and then try to wake myself up again until i did it.

That same year i also learned to stop myself in the middle of a piss. At first it really hurt but i can do it with ease now. :tup:
(idk how useful that really is or why i decided to teach myself it...)
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

Not sure if its been said but to me "fear seizure" sounds like like a panic attack.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

I LOVE being consensus in a dream. It almost never happens. One time a got a lot of action.