"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

Orly? I didn't know that. :rolleyes:

You'd be surprised what the mind does when it is starved of oxygen, just before loosing consciousness.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

Most of small talk should contract this illness, it seems to cause readable paragraphs.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

My friend has that he's in nor cal too maybe its a nor cal thing lol from the bay LOL
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

i for some reason didnt read it

I guess im used to the old crappy way of paragraphs, so when i see a correct one, it doesnt register

I almost asked for a TL;DR
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

I can sympathize with your dream. I was tormented for months(3 straight months night in and night out) on end with a dream of a huge black figure of a man opening our non-motorized garage door then appearing at the end of my bed at the same time the door slams waking me up to the man plunging a knife into my face. Oh and I do die in the full dream so the comments about death in a dream being real it's bs. It took me forever to make it all the way through the dream but once I did, it stopped bothering me. I was also incredibly sick(nearly admitted to the hospital twice) at the time and the dream didn't help as it made sleeping suck. It was all related to a good friend of mine dying so if you can think of anything that is really bothering you and work on that it may help.
See a doctor though you might actually be having problems. However, dreams can have powerful effects upon the mind and I'm not saying you are but it may actually be in the dream/in your mind. Hope this helps.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

I have experienced this before when i was ~15-17, sometimes the shaking would happen, sometimes I just would wake up and just barely open my eyes but not be able to move. The worst was when I could crack my eyes open but was still somewhat dreaming, and I saw a shadowy figure shaking me violently.

I got a decent method to breaking it quickly though (sometimes these fits lasted a pretty long time to me). For some reason in these dreams I am usually frozen in fear, in most of them I see a figure in my room so I am afraid to make a sudden movement, if its really bad I will focus as hard as I can on moving just one finger or my foot, it is very hard to do for some reason but once you do you snap out of it.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

Does this only happen in your room? Try sleeping in another area of the house. There could be a gas leak or some sort of strong radio frequency or something right in your room that is getting you high and/or messing with your brainwaves.

true story: i had a friend in middle school who would go into a hallucinogenic/hypnotized state every night after about a month of living in his new home. They later figured out that the power transformer right outside his room was emitting strong electric frequencies that were interrupting his brain process.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

The sleep paralysis part is fairly common, its happened to me a few times in my life. most people forget it ever happens as it feels like a dream. For most of us, however, its not nearly so terrifying. For the shaking and whatnot...see a god damned doctor you silly fuck.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

I've had this before. I just taught myself to not do it. I would wake up going crazy.

you just have to fight it.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

learn to become consensus in your dreams, this comes with practice/ (lucid dream)

i have been lucid dreaming for about a month now and it is the best feeling in the world
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

I had a dream I died once. It was probobally the wierdest thing ever. I woke up and was attatcked to a bunch of IV's and I just got up and started running. There was one in my head and it came out and I just kinda collapsed and realised what happened and then died... and then I thought it was a dream but when I "woke up" i was in the same situation. Death felt good. Really fucking good.
"Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

It's normal for you to be paralyzed when you wake up from a deep sleep. When you enter the deepest stage of sleep, just before REM, your body is almost completely shut down and there is practically no physiological movement or activity. Blood flow, heart rate and breathing have decreased dramatically. When you enter REM sleep, that's when physical activity increases once again only because your eyes are flying around. If awakened at any point in these stages, your body is still shut down so you can contribute paralysis to that, and your brain is all fucked up from the long delta waves and dreaming so seeing shadowy figures is just a part of your hallucination.