Seal Culls

so we are also commiting genocide when we murder rats, cows, chickens, ants, cockroaches, fish?

we kill a hell of a lot more of those animals listed above than seals.

why do plants not count as genocide as well? they have life just like animals do. is it okay to commit genocide on corn and tofu? why won't anyone think of the tofu??
Oh come on people, no name calling.

I'm quite passionate about animal rights and do get carried away. But you know what, there are fewer people who care and voice their opininons then there are those that don't care, are apathetic or have enough problems with their own survival. When those of us speak up for those that don't have a voice (seals in this case) we get gagged, verbally shot down, ignored, switched off, etc.

Sometimes I feel that the dictionary definition of things (genocide, murder) is just the way we selfish humans see things. I'm not saying animals and humans are equal but I am saying that all life is precious.

Polar bears eating seals is one thing but humans (non-Indigenous) culling them for depleting fish stocks is the biggest joke I've ever heard. Humans are the number one biggest drain on the Earth's resources.

Akasha, I'm with you on this one!
since you feel so strongly about this, of course you do not have any leather cloths or belts and have never eaten any meat of fish of any kind, make sure to avoid stepping on ants.

you are completely blameless in when it comes to the genocide and murder of animals.

or are you like most people who only seem to care when the animal dying is cute?
Well actually, no, I do not wear leather, I am a vegetarian, and where possible, i avoid stepping on anything that is alive. Obviously, sometimes there are accidents, but I do not deliberately kill anything. Sorry to kill that argument, dude.
so sometimes you accidentially murder your brothers? if all animals great and small are on the same level as people in your view would it be okay to accidentially kill your best friend, or the guy down the street?



murder is murder.
Ok, I do not want to see this thread go further down hill. Please clean things up before I am forced to lock it for a clean up.
Oh for god's sake man. Is this what a debate about seal culls has turned into? Some lame retort about something that you don't even believe in yourself. I don't even think that it's worth answering that.
Akasha, I find I hear this from people when they question my choices and way of life. They just like attacking you and they'll always say stuff like "what if", "but you still do this", "you're murdering vegetables", "insecticides/pesticides kill the insects that we on your vegetables", "what about the microbes that float in the air that you breath in and kill?" ad infinitum. They don't look at their own actions and choices and it some cases aren't doing jack all to better anything except their own lives.
i don't care what kind of personal choices you make. my problem is akasha is comparing seal hunting to genocide and murder. it is a major twisting of the language and hypocritical stance to take considering that every living thing on the planet is compliceint in some way with this *murder.*

if he had come into this discussion with a bit more of a measured tone we could have had a proper discussion of the topic. instead he used over the top rhetoric to paint one side of the issue as happy go lucky baby killers.
Does anyone know what seal tastes like? I bet it's fishy. I know penguin tastes horrible I bet seal meat is the same, does anyone know?
Until you learn how to use capital letters and graofftopicr, you have NO room to insult the way someone else types.

Lily/Akasha: People need to know about the various issues that afflict the world today. Posting this on a very large, oft attended discussion forum was a good idea. I'm with you and I'm sure many others are as well, even if they don't post their support.

Apathy is the number one killer of good deeds...not argumentative cavemen that freak out when someone tries to support a worthy cause.

Apathy is caused by undefined goals, difficult to attain objectives, and vague definitions of injustice.

The goal is clear: Stop pointless seal killing in Canada.

The objectives are easy to attain: Stop buying fish and seal fur from Canada.

The injustice is plain to see: Sport killing of innocent animals can hardly be argued as conducive to a working economy.

--Now, all that is needed is a greater audience to view this issue. The pointless name calling simply furthers the cause by ensuring that this thread is continually growing and updated for all to see.

This reminds me of a quote by Mahatma Ghandi:
-"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the
way its animals are treated... I hold that, the more helpless a
creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of
the killing of these seals is not pointless as explained earlier it is being done to try to get the cod in the area to bounce back from over fishing. this is IN NO WAY SHAPE or form sport killing. the people who carry out this culling are fishermen hired to do a job.

good luck with your boycott. we'll see how devastated our economy is going to get from it.

as for using all lower case i choose to do this because messageboards tend to use more relaxed rules when it comes to discussion. i will overlook typo's i will overlook caps but i will not overlook people mis-using wildly loaded words in the wrong context.
So isn't the debate how much seals decimate the cod population?

Wouldn't it be better to try and control overfishing by humans, rather than just try and removing their competitors? Seems like they are just trying to take the easy route, which no one even knows will work. IN THEORY by removing other drains on the cod population, fishermen can continue their production levels which would otherwise be unsupportable. But any ecologist will tell you usually removing one species from an ecosystem unbalances the entire thing.

The fact is, the cull supports the economy in the area. It means (they hope) that fishermen can continue overfishing, and the previously unemployed can be subsidised and employed to carry out the cull itself.

If its so comparable to say, killing cows, why is the entire EU banning seal products?
wild pitch - thanks for explaining that, I see where you're coming from. I'm a little bit of a nutcase environmentalist and I sometimes feel the only way to cut through the surface image or make an impact is to go over the top and be melodramatic. As an initial way to make people listen its a good technique but as you say, in order to carry weight, an argument needs to be measured, backed up by statistics etc.

Just out of curiousity, can I ask if you have any particular cause that you advocate/support?
no problem at least you can see it. i think one of the largest isssues we need to overcome in these discussion is for both sides to stop using overly melodramatic and loaded language. too many times people use language that paints their side of the argument as just and good while painting the other side as murderers, terrorists, homicide bombers, nazis etc.

we need to get this language out of our discussions and start discussing these issues in the proper context.

i have very hardcore left wing / anti-fascist in my social and political beliefs. i think the reason why i have my take on this issue is that i feel these guys who are out there doing this work are just your average working class men trying to make end meet in a very tough environment.

i am not pro-sealing per se i am simply not interested in painting these fishermen as evil monsters when they are just doing a job like everyone else. i am more apt to fall on the side of the people in this situation than the seals.