REPUBLIKKANS, don't you know Pelosi fought special interests better than all y'all?


New member
Nov 12, 2010
"The reason they had to try to take me down is because I've been effective in fighting the special interests in Washington, D.C. I'm also the most significant attractor of support for the Democrats. So I'm not looking back on this. They asked me to run. I'm running. And again, our members understand they made me target because I'm effective. "
Keep drinking the kool-aid! You actually believe the lying B? I agree you should do stand up, you are funny!
When she brought to me her health care bill even I was how many kickbacks were there to every special interest imaginable. 20 page were the bill proper, and the rest 1200 pages were pure kickbacks, page after page. Exemptions for union, bonanza for lawyers, mandates to please insurance companies, Louisiana purchase, Allah knows what else.
No, I haven't heard that one before. I did hear that she spent 100,000 dollars on booze for 15 members of her family for plane rides in one of the elite planes assigned to her for business by the United States Government, brought to you in part by the working middle class tax payer's dollars.
You smug liberal idiot.
Except for her husband's special interests, right?

Did you know we spend almost $6 million a year flying Pelosi to and from work on a USAF jet? Yep, she costs us $60, way and she only works 3 days a week...
Newt Gingrich, unless it was impossible, flew commercial...
No, I didn't know that. (I answered your question)

You forgot the third "K" in "republicans" (if you're out to offend somebody, do it right.)
Also, the proper spelling is "Demoncrats"
Absolutely, she absolutely was a good leader.She could get things done. Even the most Conservative Senator in Washington said that, even though he qualified the statement that he was not in agreement with her often. His name is Jas. Imhoff, or something like that, Rep. Oklahoma. He has defended her at town hall meetings. He said she is a very intelligent, very nice woman.Arguing with him?SHE ABSOLUTELY IS EFFECTIVE!