
  1. M

    Does fear of rejection cause you to not pursue romantic interests?

    It does for me xD I guess I'm just overly sensitive.
  2. S

    Which interests you more, arts or sports?

    Male or female?
  3. I

    By law, out-of-state individuals and special interests may not donate to state or...

    ...local candidates in CA.? By law, out-of-state individuals and special interests may not donate to state or local candidates in California. A. True B. False
  4. K

    Why don't White Liberal's put their own racial interests first?

    Every other race does. Only Whites are celebrating their diminishing numbers in a nation founded by Whites.
  5. T

    I am bitter and nothing interests me, why is that?

    I'm a 23 year old guy in decent physical shape and I'd rate myself maybe a 6/10 in looks yet I don't care about making friends, small talk, dating, etc... I really am quite the hermit, I go to work and then go home and relax and that's all my life consists of. I have no interest in anything...
  6. M

    Can you have two love interests in Mass Effect 3?

    I am playing this beautiful game and I got stuck in this dilemma. Miranda is a love interest that I can do but I want to have a love interest with Ashley as well. Is it possible to have the love interest with Miranda and then later before the final mission have the love interest with Ashley?
  7. D

    Can I make friends with people who don't share my interests without faking...

    ...interest in them? When I'm in a social situation like a school classroom or a networking meeting, I find it hard to bring myself to bond with people who don't share my interests (which are rather narrow and most people don't have them). When I meet people who don't share my interests, all I...
  8. R

    PLEASE HELP! Need college major suggestions based on my interests.?

    So I know I'm interested in bio/medicine, but at UCSD it is really competitive to transfer into the biology department. I also know I'm interested in brains to some degree, like dreams and dream interpretation and how that relates to our life and subconscious etc. Or how handwriting analysis can...
  9. M

    do any bl@ck folks think obama really represents their interests?

    just wondering, none of the white presidents (since i have paid attention) have done a damn thing for me. gw spent us into oblivion clinton (and newt BTW) decimated the SSI fund to create phony budget surpluses reagan didn't even run his administration (the 80's ushered in the neocon movement)...
  10. O

    what does it mean when a guy teases you about your interests?

    The guy I like makes fun of my interests, not in a mean way but in a teasing way what does it mean exactly? when I say I like Harry Potter he says things loud enough for me to hear such as "I don't Harry Potter is stupid." He does the same thing when I talk about Kingdom Hearts and my favorite...
  11. O

    what does it mean when a guy teases you about your interests?

    The guy I like makes fun of my interests, not in a mean way but in a teasing way what does it mean exactly? when I say I like Harry Potter he says things loud enough for me to hear such as "I don't Harry Potter is stupid." He does the same thing when I talk about Kingdom Hearts and my favorite...
  12. R

    How do I remove interests from my profile on Facebook?

    I recently went in to clean up my profile a bit and realized that I cannot remove any of the items listed in my "Arts and Entertainment" section. The Facebook Help Center isn't helping me at all. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
  13. A

    what topic interests you?

    i need to write a paper in philosophy class and i need help deciding what topic to use. would you write on racism and sexism, world hunger, rights of animals or terrorism? the topic i choose has to be 4 to 5 pages long so make sure what you pick has alot of info to cover that lenth. thank you alllll
  14. A

    FOR LES/BISEXUALS: What interests you in a girl?

    What attracts you to another girl? What do you like? I need to kbow because I am falling for my friend, and I want to be a better person for her too, and to give her subtle hints that I'm interested... Thank you for your time.. !!
  15. G

    What culture really interests you?

    for me its japanese culture, i'd love to go there one day !
  16. B

    This is a question about my interests.?

    Well, i have something called a "foot fetish". many people think its weird, i would agree too if i wasn't into it. ANYWAYS, question is, i would like some girl to trample me and idk how to make it happen. i am not desperate enough to randomly ask a stranger. I am also no stupid enough to fly...
  17. A

    Is "soccer" activities or interests?

    Hi! I'm confuse between activities and interests, what's the difference between them? Soccer is "activity" or "interest" I'll be grateful for helping me! :)
  18. H

    Who's interests do the 2 parties represent? The corporations who donate

    billions or the people? On one hand they have the corporate lobbyists who visit their offices every day with expensive gifts and promising lots of money and on the other hand they have some vague concept of "The People". How do people think that they are the top priority of the Republican or...
  19. J

    What Social Policies does the UK have to protect interests of Elderly and

    Retired people? All I can think of is concessionary travel, pensions and winter fuel allowance. Thanks so much!
  20. J

    What interests does Bill Gates have?

    for example; does he play instruments? etc..?