most embarrasing thing that have ever happened to you in class

a few years ago.. a kid in my math class for farted and sneezed at the same time... Nothing really embarrasing ever happens to me, except when i have to do speeches, but its just nerves
One retarded kid in my computer class brings up the cheerleader's page on the school website and beats off 2-3 times every day. Now THAT'S retard strength.
Ahh yes, the infamous PE boner. I've always been afraid of getting one, maybe it's that fear that keeps it from happening...I've seen a kid with one once, but I didn't feel bad for him because it was in the locker room :xeyed:
i would be kind of scared? lol

Ill never forget...First grade i peed my pants like crazy, teacher asked what happened, and i was like i spilled juice. At the time i though she believed it but now i realize what a dumbass i was.
Man that shit happened to me, it was so embarassing. I was about to sit down then my friend pulled my desk back like a little bitch.
Aww dude I know, I hate those PE boners, aka NRBs
but yeah, I just tuck it on my waistband of the shorts, ya know stick yo schlong up and then tuck it up and get it all cozy.
i had a hot student gym teacher. i was runing with a half limp half boner. she looked at me weird and i nodded lmao
We were watching some of the pepsi ads where many soccer players do their tricks (because we were seeing the advertisments effect and crap like that), and at the end Ronaldo misses to score the goal, and I yell: Hahaha stupid! And all of a sudden my chair slips (I was trying to balance it) and I fell on my back and everyone was quiet looking for what made the noise and I said: Shit that hurt! and everyone busted out laughing haha pretty hilarious but embarrasing
1st: Haha are you foreign? Just a very proper way of speaking. Don't see it much in ST.

2nd: I love that quote, I saw that on TV too, the one legged cop. That rocked. :tup:
it was during P.E. and we had to do that fitness test shit. I had a huge boner and was called up to the pull-up bars, it was facing everyone.
was in the computer lab and my friend ran to sit in the chair next to me, so I pulled it out for him and at the last second I push it and he collapses into the wall. He gets up, spins my chair towards him, basically tackle/clotheslines me to the ground while I'm still in the chair
I was in art class and the rooms was like idk 8 by 12 small room, next to the burner thing door closed, hot as hell, and i thought i had a little fart, no big deal right? well i go to let it out and im not kidding you the most full fledged(sp?) complete bowl(sp?) movement fart ive ever heard, smelled, witnessed

room was dismissed for 5 minutes..
Haha I hate when my voice cracks. It's funny cause my friend's voice always cracks and everyone knows him for it, even the teacher, lol. I feel bad for him though, even the teacher laughs at it haha..