Mind trick, Right or Left Brain?

Oh, it appears like it's to do with whether the rotating leg is going behind or in front of her other leg.
it also works if you concentrate if you at looking at the bottom/top of the screen where she is placed
Lesson number 2. Women = logical! :yep:

You must be one of the 'left brain' people.

Edit: did I just say women are logical??? WTF?!
When i first looked at her she was going clock-wise.. then i read the description and she went anti-clockwise and she won't go back!! the bitch
At the point when he leg is pointing towards you, force your brain to imagine that it's pointing the opposite way and away from you. That then causes her to start turning the other way.
she goes both ways :mmm: get it?

when i first look at it, it goes clockwise every time, so im assuming im naturally right-sided with my brain, but i can change the way she seems to rotate at will also
mostly clockwise but i do sometimes see anti clockwise, i can make her change from anti-c to clockwise but not the other way round yet. ill keep trying
For ages I was there being all cynical, like 'she can't possibly turn anticlockwise, when you look at her foot!'

and then it happened o_0 she turned anticlockwise!

now I can make her do whatever I want

wouldn't have said the clockwise description matches me at all though...
First time - clockwise (right brained). Don't really agree with the descriptions but whatever.

I can now make her go anti.
This peeved me off big time today and when i first saw it a few months ago because i thought she was ONLY going clockwise but after pure concentration i can get her to go both ways at will now :).

How i do it is: Concentrate on the shadow of the swinging foot only if you want her to go anti-clockwise and concentrate on the non-swinging ankle if you want her to go clockwise.