Mind trick, Right or Left Brain?

It's really interesting isn't it? I used to have her in my sig actually. I haven't seen her in months. She's my true love. :love:
She spins clockwise when I look to the right of the picture, and anti-clockwise when I look to the left.
I first saw it as anti clockwise, then Missaphrodite told me to picture the foor as the centre of the click, and now it only turns clockwise :mad:

I suck :sad:
Wow how weird! At first I thought I would be watching her spin then a loud scream would come through my speakers and a scary face pop up, then I noticed it was from The Telegraph
lol keep watching her other leg it twists back round i got this in a email
look at the spinning woman and if she is turning right your right side of your brain is working . If she is turning left your left side of your brain is working . If she turns both ways for you then you have a 160 or better IQ.
I see it as both and can consciously change the way I see it :)

For me it's not a case of the way I look at it, simply thinking the word clockwise makes it turn clockwise and likewise simply thinking the opposite changes it to anti-clockwise. Actually now that I look at it again I can get it so it doesn't even look like its rotating, just morphing and changing shape :S
I can see her going clockise and anti-clockwise we had a look at this in one of my psychology lessons a while back.

Well I can't completley stop her rotations but I can make her move anti clockwise from 3PM to 9AM and then clockwise from 9AM to 3PM in a repeat motion . I must be the next einstein.

If you keep making it go clockwise, anti-clockwise, clockwise in rapid succession, will your brain explode?

At first, I got it anti-clockwise; fair enough, I'm a sciency guy. But I'm also a risk-taking and appreciative person, so what gives?

How to master teh dansa:

Look at her feet and imagine the spinning leg to be in front of her other leg whilst going left-right for anti-clockwise, and behing for clockwise
Ive seen this before its awesomel I show it other people and they always say "its just changing". Its ******* not!
Focus on the dancer's legs and when they cross, flick your eyes over them in the direction you want to see them in and just try to imagine in your mind her going that way. It's hard to explain, took me about 5 mins of constant staring to control it. But I can't control it if I look at the upper body, has to be the legs.
Only clockwise. Can't possibly see how it would go anticlockwise. Don't agree with the descriptions of what I should supposedly be like though. :p:
The way I control her is weird.

I kinda stop her rotation so instead of doing the full circle she's doing semi circle anti clockwise then clockwise until I think about what direction I want her to go in . I can only do this by looking at the feet,shadow area.