Mind trick, Right or Left Brain?


New member
Apr 12, 2008
The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?


I got a link to this on my facebook. I can make her go both ways quite easily now, after quite a short amount of time!
And others can only see her turning one direction, no matter how hard they try!

Which one are you?
Or like me can you change between ways?
What do you think the true meanings behind this is?
How does it work?
I can only make her go clockwise, I can't seem to figure out how it would go the opposite way! ???
I also saw it clockwise, then I watched it for a while longer and manage to see her anti-clockwise, and it kept flicking back and forward.

The key is that when the legs come together (so there is just one black shape rather than two obvious ones) its actually as though she 'swaps' legs, thats where the switch happens.
Clockwise. But the description of the functions does not match me. Whatsoever.

Bingo, got it going both ways now. You just have to map out what you think is facing forward and facing away from you, and reverse it.
i see both.. i no its not really funny or not funny at all lool.. but i laugh at almost anything.. finding the spinning girl quite funny in a strangly odd wayy lol
It started off anti clockwise then turned clockwise, then i refreshed and it was back to anti clockwise?
initially anticlockwise

then she just randomly switched to clockwise within a blink

why she spinning backwards? theres no fun in that.
Opps didn't realise it was so old, Couldn't get my head round how it works!

I think it must be something to do with the middle section of the legs! But it still moves either one way or another with the rest of the body...

So annoying now I really want to know how it works... but also I don't want the mystery broken!
i can make it go both ways but it takes some concentration , what do you do specifaly to make it move at will.

I'm thinking i'll be able to unlock some higher level of brain power if I can control her at will lol