Jehovah's Witnesses lose more people than any other religion. Why is that?


New member
Nov 1, 2012
The word on the street is that most Witnesses leave upon turning 18. The word ALSO states that new converts leave relatively soon. With such desertions, aren't the days of the Witnesses numbered? If only old people are members, how can it possibly sustain itself?
You are forgetting the theory that P.T. Barnum proved,"THERE IS A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE"The key to success for any cult is aggressive recruitment and providing a safe haven for child molesters :tongue out: which is just one of many problems the Jehovah's Witnesses have.
Most likely because of their strict intolerance to holidays. I would guess most people just jump to other branches of Christianity instead of going straight atheist or agnostic. After all, they were instilled with religion their whole lives.