I'm trying to pick my poison. Which is the least of all evils?

Logic would dictate McCain. You are an independant. He's a maverick. Sounds like you two are closer than you might realise.If you think McCain's wishy washy, have you really listened to the other two?Hillary sticks her finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing today.If Obama's track record were any shorter it wouldn't exist. And like you say he does say Rev. (NOT) Wright was his close firend and mentor.
I really hate the choices for the Democratic party this year; they're horrible! And I haven't heard any good come out of the Republican party. I have heard pretty good things about Ron Paul, but there's no way he's going to be in the final running. After the train wreak Bush has given us, I really do question if the party even has a chance so I really haven't been keeping up on them. I usually start watching closer when we're down to the finals. If I really, really had to chose between Hil or Obama, I'd probably go with Obama, but I wouldn't be all that happy with it. I'd rather "waste" my vote and go Green. Green party will never win, but that's one less vote for the other guys.
well, if you want another 4 years of the same like the last 8 and us to spend another half-trillion dollars in military costs,a new war with Iran,and an even worse economy than the present: vote for Obama or McSame cause there's no way Obama will beat McSame
Go for Barack Obama!!!!John McCain is too old and he looks like he could die any minute.Hiliary Clinton is a liar. She said she was under attack with gunfire and theirs pictures of her hugging little kids. She's such a liar.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.Look into Ron Paul, he has more solutions than the other candidates have thought to ask as questions.And as a strict Constitutionalist he is anti globalist in the currently used sense which shifts benefits of trade and government spending from the poor and middle class to international corporations and organizations where individual Americans have little hope to influence policy.He would veto NAFTA as an unconstitutional delegation of US sovereign powers to international organizations when it came up for reauthorization, not just 'tweak it' as the Dems did the Peru trade agreement both Hillary and Obama supported.McCain wouldn't eliminate the IRS, but Ron Paul wants to. This briefly outlines how. And no one who has been listening to him for the last 30 years could ever consider him wishy washy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWfIhFhelm8
LOL! Hillary is the lesser of the evils in my opinion. We don't have many options...none that are great.
Least Evil = Clinton = just exaggerated resumeMidway Evil = McCain = will sent everyone to fight the war, until we win or be killedMost Evil = Obama = hand over our country to Osama Bin Ladin
As a conservative Independent, I'm not overly thrilled with McCain as the Republican candidate but, in my opinion, he's definitely the best pick of the three. He has the experience and knowledge necessary to run the country, unlike Hillary and Obama, both of which you've sized up very well. Any time I have doubts about a President McCain, I just think of the possible alternative and that quells any misgivings I have about who should next be in the Oval Office. Also, Hillary's 3 a.m. TV ad served to put to rest any indecision I might have had about which of the three I would want answering that red phone in case of a national crisis. My choice? John McCain, hands down.
Barack Obama in in over his head and knows it, his hope is that everyone will follow him as they have been. Not a logical solution when it comes to Republicans.John McCain is a prompter reading win at any cost military man that also believes the flocks will follow him into Iran and beyond. Not a logical solution when it comes to Democrats.Hillary Clinton is the power, she will carefully speak (Lie if you will) to achieve a set goal or solution. She is the one that has been in the White House and involved herself with the problems of the country and the world. She is the only candidate that has the respect and perhaps a little fear on both sides of the isle. She is the kind of person you can confidently follow knowing she has done her homework, has a working plan and can change course quickly and confidently if need be.