Is karate a waste of my time if I want to join the ufc?


May 14, 2008
My dream is to one day be a professional mma fighter and currently, I am taking mma classes and I really like it. My instructor has decided to do away with the mma classes and do more karate instead. We still spar once or twice a week and we learn grappling techniques on saturdays, but he is incorporating more karate style techniques in his teaching which I don't think i will benefit from.

I really like the dojo i'm at, but is learning karate going to be a waste of my time and money if i want to one day be in the ufc?

I go about 4 days a week, half the class is usually intense cardio then the other half is either sparring or learning new techniques.

Am I on the right track?

btw, I am 19