If men think feminists are whiny, annoying and complain too much...?


Jun 2, 2008
Why would they want to do the exact same thing by starting their own movement?

At least women had a legitimate reason to complain. I have a feeling these men secretly acknowledge it was a good idea and are totally trying to copy us.
@ Take care - i am of course only referring to those MRAs that do find them annoying. Sorry if I was being confusing in anyway.
@ Darren - Yes, there is less need to complain now but feminism has already been established from back when it was very much needed. What is the point of creating a whole new MRA movement when you don't really need it?

And assuming you are right, that women do complain too much nowadays, you still haven't addressed why men should start doing the exact same thing that they have been criticizing us for.
@ Take care - Aww shucks.

AS FOR THE REST OF YOU: You have impressed me in your comebacks to the whole "legitimate reason" thing, but you have still failed to inform me why you think being a hypocrite will solve your microscopic problems.
@ Rowdy - I just previously open-mindedly acknowledged that some of your arguments are actually well thought-out. How does that make me bigoted?
Women whine about the dumb things today.

60% of college grads are women. There is no wage gap. Women get paid the same amount of money a man makes if she does the same work.

The Democrats though need to give the illusion that women are still 2nd class citizens in order to keep their votes in line. It works too. Just look at all the women that voted for the socialist freak.
You had a reason to complain in the 1800s when you couldn't vote.

Now you find stupid things to fight for. Like voting for a socialist because your health insurance company won't finance your sexual adventures. Somehow all of us paying for your birth control is now linked to women's rights.