
  1. D

    If men think feminists are whiny, annoying and complain too much...?

    Why would they want to do the exact same thing by starting their own movement? At least women had a legitimate reason to complain. I have a feeling these men secretly acknowledge it was a good idea and are totally trying to copy us. @ Take care - i am of course only referring to those MRAs...
  2. J

    Is this a psychology forum or a venting outlet for whiny little emo brats?

    It almost seems that a legitimate forum for the discussion of junk science has been taken over by crybabies.
  3. D

    Didn't mainstream rock bands of the LATE '90s (whiny poppy alt ones) suck...

    ...more than Nickelback, Creed, Lady...? GaGa, Ke$ha, Rebecca Black, brokeNCYDE, Lil Wayne, and Justin Bieber?
  4. D

    Didn't mainstream rock of the LATE '90s (POST-grunge and whiny alt-pop) suck much

    more than disco or music...? of the '80s (any type of music in the '80s) ever could? Whiny, depressing, boring bands of the late '90s killed mainstream rock, as did clear channel. In no way shape or form could hair bands suck as much as whiny acts like 3rd Eye Blind, Green Day, and Blink 182...
  5. I

    What if, when you got to heaven and met God he had a high pitched whiny voice?

    would you laugh? I didn't say he was a wuss. You can be plenty tough and masculine yet still have a high pitched voice. Take Mike Tyson for instance.
  6. M

    Ok, so what do you think of the whiny press secretaty and his self pitying rant to

    protect? his Lord and Master Obama Obama gets criticized from his own party for not actually carrying out all his promises especially those regarding the war. Yes, it is true that he mainly got elected for his color, but also there are those who honest to God took Obama at his word. The war...
  7. E

    Don't bands that play teen-angsty, whiny, depressing music make hair metal

    and disco acts sound legendary? They even make brokeNCYDE sound like the Beatles because I'd rather hear brokeNCYDE over them. At least hair metal bands could play as well as make fun music like disco unlike these teen angst bands that DISGRACE rock. Like I said, they make brokenCYDE sound...
  8. E

    Don't bands that play teen-angsty, whiny, depressing music make hair metal

    and disco acts sound legendary? They even make brokeNCYDE sound like the Beatles because I'd rather hear brokeNCYDE over them. At least hair metal bands could play as well as make fun music like disco unlike these teen angst bands that DISGRACE rock. Like I said, they make brokenCYDE sound...
  9. C

    How can i stop being depressing, inconfident, insecure, whiny, complaining?

    I'm pretty depressing to be around with. I don't like myself for that. I complain way to much. I lack so much confidence. I can really relate to the quote "One bad apple spoils the bunch." My friends are very understanding and I love them for that but I just wanna stop being that way. What can I...
  10. A

    Why are some women so whiny, and complain that "a good man is hard to find"?

    Why are some women so whiny, and complain that "a good man is hard to find"? The women who are whining are the ones who intentionally date abusers and cheaters and other assorted low-lifes, and defend it because they're "bad boys". The reality is that good men are everywhere the women just...
  11. D

    What do you call a whiny black person?

    I'm not racist. Just testing if you could get the right answer.