
  1. D

    If men think feminists are whiny, annoying and complain too much...?

    Why would they want to do the exact same thing by starting their own movement? At least women had a legitimate reason to complain. I have a feeling these men secretly acknowledge it was a good idea and are totally trying to copy us. @ Take care - i am of course only referring to those MRAs...
  2. F

    Enough "double standards" that feminists rant about are due to FEMALE REACTION

    Enough "double standards" that feminists rant about are due to FEMALE REACTION DIFFERENCES? Enough of the so-called "DOUBLE STANDARDS" that feminists rant about are purely due to how different a female may "react." I'm sick of this bullshi't with feminists giving deep "misogyny" rantings...
  3. M

    feminists, can we discuss issues related to the fictional "wage gap" going

    on here in the U.S.? cmon down off the cross for a few minutes and cry us men a river.......please THOMAS: i watched 2 seconds of that video and i can honestly say, i have been more enlightened reading that backs of shampoo bottles while taking a $hit. MICHELLE: aww......*sniff*...*sniffle...
  4. R

    Why don't the feminists on this site ever rant?

    I know there are probably only 2, but it's hard to prove them wrong when they don't actually expose their stance on any issue. Can feminists rant as an answer please? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm in the mood for a good debate. I have tried to start a debate many times, the people who disagree...
  5. D

    How do feminists sustain a relationship?

    The feminists that I've met In the world (and believe me I've tried hard not to meet them) have been a pretty obnoxious bunch of people, overly domineering, unable to give an inch in a disagreement with a man even when they are clearly wrong and spoiling for an argument with a man at most every...
  6. X

    Is this a "sexist and misogynist taunt", or have feminists lost all sense of humour?

    Is this a "sexist and misogynist taunt", or have feminists lost all sense of humour? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/david-cameron/8476624/Calm-down-dear-David-Camerons-sexist-taunt-to-Labour-MP.html David Cameron says "calm down dear" to a female in parliament. Now feminists...
  7. P

    What do feminists have to complain about in Western society?

    They have the same rights as men, but yet this still complain. Are they trying to be the alpha gender or something?
  8. E

    When will the feminists stop their incessant whining?

    And why do they make these stupid claims? "Women are more 'spiritually evolved'." What is that supposed to mean? "Women are seen as 'sex objects'." Well, if you would stop dressing like a prostitute you wouldn't have to worry about that. To L: A man checking you out doesn't make you a victim.
  9. E

    When will the feminists stop their incessant whining?

    And why do they make these stupid claims? "Women are more 'spiritually evolved'." What is that supposed to mean? "Women are seen as 'sex objects'." Well, if you would stop dressing like a prostitute you wouldn't have to worry about that. To L: A man checking you out doesn't make you a victim.
  10. S

    are feminists now a days just women how argue and whine about men and how they THINK

    women are better? kuz as far as i know women have all the rights they are going to get and as far as sexism well its REALLY not going anywhere just like racism.... psshhh..as far as im concerned lesbians and all that are still women..its not like they measure up to a man anyways
  11. J

    Does this prove that all feminists (aka women) are secret lesbians?

    Women, which of these persons would you rather take with you to a tropical island for a week? 1) A 6' 4'' former Navy SEAL who was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery under fire. He now teaches chemistry at a local university--he got his Ph. D. after leaving the service. He...
  12. F

    Why do feminists think that married men cant own property, but they complain

    that women couldn't in years past? Feminists distort the fact that all marital property in years past was communal by saying that "women couldn't own property". For example, they complain that a married woman could not sign a mortgage without her husband's consent (ignoring the fact that a...
  13. K

    Why do "feminists" complain about the U.S.?

    "never having a female president" or "the male dominated congress etc"? Over half of the United States electorate is female! So is the absence of a female president or the "male dominated congress" the result of men discriminating against women or women discriminating against women?
  14. A

    Are feminists lesbians or they just don't have any relationships with either gender?

    Just curious. Not being critical whatsoever.
  15. L

    Howcome some people argue against feminists by criticizing their personal...

    ...gender roles? When a woman is a feminist, they tell her to act more 'feminine' When a man is a feminist, they tell him to act more 'masculine' Are they themselves saying that males are meant to be above females and only 'feminists' are bad, or do they see it as a two way and would say the...
  16. Z

    Feminists, argue with me?

    I'm the owner of a vagina and I don't feel victimized by pornography or the media. Maybe there have been times I have, however anyone can play the victim--that includes men...but it seems like they just don't give a shit. You're harming yourself by caring, you're victimizing yourself. No one has...
  17. S

    why do you feminists feel the need to argue about everything?

    i go on yahoo answers in the gender studies section every now and then (when i'm really bored and there's just nothing better to do) and i ask a question just to screw with you dumb B itches and you all get so defensive and up-in-arms for each one of my questions. i find it hilarious. 'o dear i...
  18. A

    What's with the rumours of an off site group of feminists mass-reporting?

    This is a second account because I don't want anybody to report me for asking this. What is all this I hear about off-site feminists reporting questions and sometimes answers here? Who are these people? Why are they doing it? Or is it just a hyped up conspiracy, and the reality is there are...
  19. J

    Why do feminists appeal to the protection of children only when it serves the...

    ...WOMAN'S interests? Notice on a question about safe havens, the ONLY feminist who batted an eye at the idea of one parent using Safe Haven laws to circumvent the parental rights of the other parent was worried that a FATHER might do it. (Someone didn't like my last question and reported it.)...
  20. J

    why do atheists and feminists prefer to attend churches led by female preachers?

    1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the...