I am starting P90x in a few days and I wanted to know if this nutrition


New member
Mar 31, 2011
plan would work well with it.? I don't plan on using the nutrition guide that comes with P90x because I simply cannot afford to go along with it for 3 months. With that being said, I came up with a hopefully less expensive plan and i was hoping to get some opinions. Here's what it looks like:
Breakfast-oatmeal, egg whites with low sodium turkey(or ham), banana
Snack-clif bar, v8 low sodium juice
Lunch-low sodium turkey(or ham) sandwich on whole grain bread (w/low fat cheese),nonfat yogurt,avacado
Snack-apple, peanut butter snack cup
Dinner-spinach salad with low sodium turkey(or ham),tomatoes,and cucumbers.sweet potato on the side
Water all day!!
Any input will be taken into account and greatly appreciated!!