I am going on vacation for 8 days and am worried about my african dwarf frogs?


New member
May 22, 2008
My moms is gonna come feed fish flakes to my other fish. I went to the pet store and today and asked the man's opinion. he said that the frogs will eat the fish flakes that are left over. I just want to make sure that this is true, I am worried about my frogs. My mom is terrible with fish so I know I can't ask her to handle the blood worms. Please let me know what I can do. Thanks
I just fed my fish flakes, and noticed one of the frogs eat a flake. He seems to be enjoying it, so I guess they will find flakes that fall to the bottom?
first off i would like to say that "Mary" was exactly correct. the frog should for sure eat the fish flakes. but what i would do differently would be to get a 7 day feeding block, and have it sink down to the bottom of the tank, and they he can nibble on it when he wants to. you can even adhere them to the side of the tank, and more near the top. this way your mom will be able to just check on all the fish and see that their is enough brick food left for the frogs and the fish!!!
The frogs will eat let over fish food and if you are really worried, you can always have her just drop in an algae wafer that most african dwarf frogs will eat off of.