
  1. K

    I am going on vacation for 8 days and am worried about my african dwarf frogs?

    My moms is gonna come feed fish flakes to my other fish. I went to the pet store and today and asked the man's opinion. he said that the frogs will eat the fish flakes that are left over. I just want to make sure that this is true, I am worried about my frogs. My mom is terrible with fish so I...
  2. K

    Is my dwarf gourami fish sick?

    I have a dwarf gourami that got injured by one of my serpae tetras. It turned white right away. It has been roughly a week now, and the "injury" on it's side has doubled in size. The fish doesn't exhibit any other noticable issues, and the rest of the tank is healthy. My concern is that it...
  3. G

    Dwarf Mammoths Used to Inhabit the Island of Crete [Animals]

    The smallest mammoth ever known to have existed has been confirmed to have lived on the island of Crete—and scientists believe that it was an adult which had evolved into a dwarf species of the giant beasts. More »
  4. J

    Netherland Dwarf Rabbit?

    Hi, I have a Netherland Dwarf rabbit an have had him about 2 years now. He is a good behaved rabbit but I just wanted some advice. I let him in my room as much as possible and he happily sits at the end of my bed and dozes off. He is okay and being picked up also. The question is, he often...
  5. L

    Are there any Dwarf rabbit breeders in Sydney?

    I want to buy a rabbit but i can't find any good dwarf rabbit breeders on the internet. If you sell dwarf rabbits can you please tell me and if you know any good websites can you please tell me.
  6. K

    I want to make a Dwarf that will be my money making alt (on WOW)?

    She will be solo treasure hunting, farming and working on her professions...should she be a Hunter,Warlock, or DeathKnight? And why :)
  7. R

    does the discovery of homo floresiensis proved the existence of dwarf ?

    asians mostly believe in existence of fairies and dwarves. Legend tells in Sumatra about little people stealing children..are they correlated with the discoveries ?
  8. J

    All my fish are dying with COMPLETE whiteness, dwarf gourami and red

    belly x-ray tetra! Help me!? I have two issues here actually.... I HAD 6 Red Belly X-Ray (Pristella) Tetra that were doing fine. I added a dwarf gourami about 4 days ago. There are really two issues I have... 1. About two days after I added the Dwarf Gourami I noticed this white patch with...
  9. J

    How can I tell if my nigerian dwarf goat is pregnant?

    She is one year old and we just purchased a male about 5 months ago. She has gained a lot of weight. I have felt her belly but I can't tell if it is just her heartbeat. Please help!!!!!!
  10. M

    My Dwarf hamster has been breathing weird and it looks like she's stressed out but i

    dont know? Can someone please help me i dont know what to do and I can't afford the vet at all it's way to much money..... Is their anything i can do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....
  11. E

    Is it normal for an African Dwarf Frog to have inflammation in the joints

    when introduced to an aquarium? I just introduced 2 African Dwarf Frogs to my 14 gallon. In both of them, the thighs and forearms are inflamed, but not so much that it is critical. I think this is just their skin adjusting to the hardness of the gravel, because most of their holding tank at...
  12. S

    Can I buy African dwarf frogs at Safeway?

    Are they helthy there?
  13. C

    My dwarf hamster won't eat her food anymore, why?

    I've had her since the end of July 2010, and she was maybe a month old when I got her. So I've had her for half a year now. And she's always ate fine, and she's never had any sort of problems. She's a very well tempered hamster, and she loves to be held. I've given her 3 different types of...
  14. G

    WISE eyes its first cool brown dwarf

    "The brown dwarfs jump out at you like big, fat, green emeralds," said Amy Mainzer, the deputy project scientist of WISE at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Mainzer, who makes jewelry in her spare time, explained that the brown dwarfs appear like green gems in WISE images...
  15. D

    Do you think a teenage girl would like the Red Dwarf boxset?

    Looking at gift ideas for Christmas and my teenage daughter loves most comedy shows like IT Crowd, Family Guy, Inbetweeners plus older ones like Father Ted and only fools and horses, do you think the Red Dwarf box set would be a good addition to her collection? She has seen the odd episode and...
  16. M

    I have 9 (about 2 inch) fish and 1 dwarf frog in a 10 gallon tank. Is this...

    ...too crowded? I know about the 1 inch of fish per gallon, but my dad set this tank up.
  17. F

    BB What a poisoned dwarf is the newbie Keely?

    Been on too many training courses,, lmao ,,,been there done that,,,,,zero personality,,,
  18. M

    Question About Dwarf Hamsters?

    I have two dwarf hamsters. They are in separate cages. I know i have one male Russian dwarf and one female fancy dwarf. The female is vicious. I cant pet her or pick her up. I have had her for a little over a year now and I have tried to tame her many times but no matter what I do she is EVIL! I...
  19. A

    Do Chinese dwarf hamsters and Roborovski dwarf hamsters get on?

    Yesterday me and my brother both bought a hamster. We can both handle them well, and they haven't bitten at all. Mine's a chinese, and female, his is a male robo. If we tried putting them together, would they get on or fight? :/ I don't want to put them near eachother without asking just...
  20. A

    Do Chinese dwarf hamsters and Roborovski dwarf hamsters get on?

    Yesterday me and my brother both bought a hamster. We can both handle them well, and they haven't bitten at all. Mine's a chinese, and female, his is a male robo. If we tried putting them together, would they get on or fight? :/ I don't want to put them near eachother without asking just...