Looking for jobs with vacation scheduled?


May 14, 2008
I am currently unemployed and looking for work to begin immediately.

I also have a vacation scheduled for 4 days at the end of July (3 work days, though it may only be 2).it is the ONLY vacation I take during the year. I understand that I'm likely to not get any vacation pay, but I don't know how to handle this. I am normally one to give notice months in advance, but I don't have that luxury.

I'm not in a position where I'm able to cancel my trip.

What should I do? I don't want a prior engagement to ruin my chances of getting a job.
You just have to be honest.

Its actually a non issue. Because irrespective of the few days you have planned vacation. The employer is more interested in your ability to do the job, rather than the few days you plan to go away.
Aslong as you tell them up front. Then its a non issue and should not ruin your chances of getting a job.
Honesty is the best policy.