How fun is it to hear the Republicans whine about Obama and falsely...


New member
Jul 5, 2008
...predict yet again how...? Democrats will be toast next election??


its starting to feel like a broken record now.

Here is a prediction for you cons......Democrats will get a 63 to 37 majority in the senate after 2010 elections and will gain a net 12 more seats in the house.


seems like the voters usually vote the economy, don't they?

you'd best hope that the porkulus bill, higher taxes, and yet another spending bill don't sink the economy completely.

seems as though John F. Kennedy though lower taxes was the way to stimulate the economy ... guess we'll see won;t we?
when you say democrats you may want to rethink that
i have not seen a real democrat in 20 years
they are now liberals
and enjoy yourself now it is your turn but the king will prove to be a little different then what the liberal media has portrayed him to be
We are optimistic that the majority of Americans will come to their senses and see that Obama is a liar and a thief.
Here is the prediction for you. Obama will suspend the Constitution and the patriots in this country will begin civil war part two. You better hope he leaves the Constitution alone and doesn't mess with the 2nd amendment.
Just enjoy your oncoming train wreck,will ya. LOL! Drivin that train,Obama high on cocaine...
Does adding ROFLMAO to your rant add some credibility that not would be there is you didn't.

You can really tell the people with no clue from those with a clue.

If you want to make a point great, do it intelligently.
I think the obmster will be a one term prez the economy will be in the toilet and the deficit will be double what it is now
good prediction...but only if they buy those seats. at current pace, the democratically controlled congress and presidency is poised to bring this country to the verge of collapse. i don't see too many people jumping in to support that sinking ship. and for the record, i'm independent, not republican. i just don't like the jump/switch in obama's policies, and i have absolutely zero faith in success by throwing money at a problem.
Republicans moan and groan but offer no effective solutions. They have definitely earned their logo: "The Party of No".