Is anybody else furious that the GOP is redistricting all over to give them the edge?


New member
Nov 24, 2008
They blatantly take over and nobody is calling them on it. These people care nothing about freedom, democracy or equality. Yet day after day we have crazies swearing allegiance with the party that wants one thing. Your money.

While most Americans were watching President Barack Obama’s second inauguration Monday, Virginia Republicans were taking advantage of the distraction to gerrymander the Commonwealth.

The Virginia state senate is evenly divided, with 20 Republicans and 20 Democrats. On Monday, however, Democratic senator Henry Marsh was spending Martin Luther King Day in Washington D.C. attending Obama’s inauguration — an event that certainly had special resonance for Marsh, a veteran of the civil rights movement.

In Marsh’s absence the Republicans held a 20-19 advantage, and they used it to surprise Democrats by passing a redistricting plan that will pave the way for the GOP to seize control of the Senate in 2015. According to Virginia political blogger Ben Tribbett, under the new district lines, the balance of power in the upper chamber could shift from a 20-20 split to a 27-13 Republican super-majority.

I don't get cons they quibble over minor things while their party continues to rape them.